6/15/18 3:07 p.m.
In reply to Pete Gossett :
That's what he has. Had it since new iirc.
I don't really get how that's different though. You can be as serious as you want with a movie car, from a full body work and interior BTTF Delorean, or just stickers on a Jurassic Park Jeep. I'd bet serious money nobody bought one of those Starsky and Hutch cars if they weren't a fan.
Ian F
6/15/18 3:12 p.m.
Grizz said:
I want to see a tube frame, fiberglass body General Lee Charger built specifically to do rally.
I have thought the same thing. But this is close:
A few days ago I was bored at work and did a rough napkin sketch and build cost to replicate this, using pretty much all new sheet metal. About $10K, assuming there would still be a fair amount of fabricating to get it into something actually street legal vs. a pure stunt car. If I ever get to the point where I can see the end of my current project tunnel, I would start going to Mopar shows and searching for cheaper/used sheet metal.
6/15/18 3:21 p.m.
Gonna go out on a limb and guess this one does nothing for you?

NOHOME said:
Gonna go out on a limb and guess this one does nothing for you?

Not for me----- I'll take a stock Mustang fastback over that "Eleanor" body kit any day. I've never cared for that look, at all.
6/15/18 4:24 p.m.
I don't dislike or like them--you gotta do you, and if that makes you happy, who am I to judge? Some are really cool though.
If I were to have one myself, it would either be a Bullit or a replica of the best movie car of all time:

Eh, to each their own. Personally, I don't mind it as even a straight replica inspires me to think of new designs, potential body work, etc. But I definitely get how one could think it was stupid. Especially because the amount of money spent for paint, stickers, doodads could probably be placed in suspension and engine to make the vehicle actually better.
Joe Gearin said:
NOHOME said:
Gonna go out on a limb and guess this one does nothing for you?

Not for me----- I'll take a stock Mustang fastback over that "Eleanor" body kit any day. I've never cared for that look, at all.
I'm with you on that one, I've never understood why the (Nick Cage) Eleanor look caught on. To me it's a bunch of 2000-era styling cues bolted on the front of a 60's car. But it obviously works for a whole lot of people.
Movie cars can be tongue in cheek fun, or they can be fantasy fulfillment, or they can be the expression of enthusiasm. Like a themed t-shirt, but more so. I'm cool with that, if you want to have fun with a car then you go right ahead.
In reply to David S. Wallens :
If I had a Beetle I’d paint it like the love bug too. If someone wants to have some fun with paint and such so be it. It’s certainly no sillier than slapping Gulf colors on a car.
I thought about this some more and I think the biggest beef I have with movie car people is that they aren't really a part of the "car scene". They don't really go to meets, or shows, or any kind of performance events or exhibitions. IMO they are more likely to show their cars at events that don't have anything to do with cars at all. I believe they like being a character and seeing how many looks they can get.
I like to think that I'm pretty tolerant of all the phacets of car culture (except brodozers) and can find things I like about each one. Heck, I even love well put together lowriders and I'm a white guy. But even with that tolerance I just don't see the appeal. I even have a friend who's building a Jurassic Park explorer complete with a homemade bubble top and I'm just like "ehh" whenever I hear about it.
I think you defined the problem you have. Movie cars aren't necessarily an expression of car enthusiasm, but you're trying to evaluate them as part of car culture. They're not part of that any more than a lightsaber is part of swordfighting culture. Car guys can geek out about the nerdiest things such as what makes the 1991 318is special, but movie car people are more likely to geek out about finding the perfect Mr Coffee for their BTTF Delorean. You just have to understand that wherever they're at, you're somewhere else.
IDK, I think they're kind of cool to see on the street in traffic in the same way I think it's kind of cool to see a stickered-up autocross car or stage rally car on the street. I mean, a stickered up autocross miata is just a miata - nothing special - but when you see one towing a tire trailer on the DC beltway in rush hour traffic, it's still kind of neat (this guy I saw on Thusday and found out later was headed out to Nebraska for the weekend...)

you know what's not fun or interesting to see on the road? Pretty much any mass-produced, stock, vehicle. I'd rather see a Herbie than one of the billion normal Beetles out there. I'd rather see the Mystery Machine than....well not like anyone else would actually keep one of those vans around for any other reason than as a tribute to Scooby lol.....
I dunno, I think if you can be paddock'd next to BLK HRBE and not smile, that's on you.
Cool dude.

If someone wants a movie car and it puts a smile on theirs or anyone's face I'm fine with it. We have to look at so many cars we think are ugly or boring.
Did you guys know there's an Internet Movie Car Database? Neither did I until a few days ago. So maybe a Ferrari 121 LM from one of the three the movies they were used in would be a cool car to replicate?
A person signed up on one of the Firebird/Trans Am forums I'm on recently to try and figure out the closest looking Firebird to the one used in the Knight Rider 2000 movie. NOT the TV show car called Kitt, the movie car was a custom based on a Dodge Stealth but looked very 4th gen Firebirdish. The person wanting the car is not a "car guy" at all, just wants a car that looks like the one in the movie. Who among us car guys even knew there was a Knight Rider movie? Anyway, in this mans case he just wants the car for himself it seems as no one would recognize it as a "movie" car.
His original post from the forum is below and full thread here :
I grew up on David hasselhoffs Knight rider show. I was way too young to be watching it so much but anyways.
When the Knight rider 2000 movie was aired I was blown away by the new design. I have since discovered that the car on that show wasn’t a trans am at all (bummed).
But I’ve still always dreamed of owning a car that looked like that. When I started looking at used cars a year ago I really struggled to find “my” firebird. They made so many variations...
Can someone help me figure out which firebird trim style bears the closest resemblance to what was on the TV movie?
Movie car :
Firebird :
I know less than nothing about cars - this just a midlife crisis thing for me. 
Ian F
6/15/18 9:02 p.m.
In reply to NOHOME :
I don't mind Eleanore clones. What I mind is the exorbitant premium asked for over a regular Mustang. Much like a General Lee replica, I'd want one to beat the snot out of and compete in CAM-C and Rallycross. 

Oooo! I’d be all over these two movie cars. Do I get bonus points since they are from the same movie?
6/15/18 9:47 p.m.
First, let me be clear: there is only one Eleanor Mustang.

That Nicholas Cage driven, over-styled faux Shelby-thing that was in the horrid reboot (I can't even call it a remake) is the most overdone movie car out there. And I'm sorry if you are one of the people who like it and were apparently born after 1980. I actually feel bad for you.
So after that little rant...I like a well done movie car replica, particularly if it is more obscure. This car was at Ford Carlisle one year. I have mad respect for the owner who put together a movie car replica of a generally dowdy, ugly car that no one would ever restore and painstakingly replicated it.

Now to be fair, the movie (and I won't tell you what it is because if you don't know you should be embarrassed, but it has tremendously good stunt driving by Hal Needham) was 'creatively edited' to depict a car that probably didn't actually exist. I'm pretty certain there never was a four door LTD with a 428 and a stick shift, but this guy built the car that the movie depicted. That is dedication. And maybe a little nuts. But it is car-guy cool.
Just slapping some stickers and painting the wheels red on your Wrangler to replicate a Jurassic Park Jeep is lame.
The guys who build the Mad Max Interceptor replicas with complete accuracy also earn my respect because those cars are really, really hard to get the key parts for. Putting on a blower, roof spoiler and painting your 1970 Torino black is NOT making a replica.
I like and appreciate a properly done Herbie replica. A Super Beetle with '53' decals ain't it.
I've actually been watching the Dukes Of Hazzard on Amazon. You want to talk about a mish-mash of cars? In just one episode the side marker lights have been from two different years, backup lights come and go, wiper arms disappear...I'm not actually sure how one would truly argue what a legit replica would be. They cobbled together '69 Chargers from three different years and multiple trim levels. Daisy's Roadrunner was two different models. I'm currently watching to see how many versions of Jesse's pickup there were.
I think car guys who make movie replicas tend to do them right. Movie fans who just want their own piece of a movie generally get them wrong.
6/15/18 9:52 p.m.
One last thought: 1972-1973 Mustangs are generally not cool. They are huge, odd-looking things that were not Iacocca Mustangs but Bunkie Knudsen aircraft carriers. However, when watch the 1974 GISS I so badly want to be Toby Halicki. And I would buy one of those barges and replicate Eleanor in an instant if they weren't so absurdly expensive these days. I understand the pull these things can have on people.
I did mechanicals on one a few years ago. Owner was a body man in severely declining health and all of a sudden I never heard from him again. Wouldn't surprise me if the car's sitting just as I left it the last day I worked on it. He wasn't trtying to recreate the movie car but liked some of the features of Eleanor and Bulitt cars. Stroker with AOD, 8.8 Explorer rear, coilovers all around etc.
Why should you give two E36 M3s what someone else does to their car? I garuntee there is someone out there who vehemetly hates your car.
In reply to 93gsxturbo :
I bought a coffee grinder at the thrift store once just because I wanted a burr grinder and they had one for $10. It ground too fine for my tastes and sat on the shelf for five or six years. I finally decided to toss it but for some reason looked on eBay first. Yup it was a Krups Mr Fusion and I sold that bad boy for $125.
Dead_slead: the Ghostbusters car wasn’t even a hearse! It was an ambulance. Quite different looking between those two things. Ambulances have glass all the way around. I had a 66 Pontiac ambulance with the Ghostbusters logos on it from a prior owner. People told me it looked “just like the real one” despite it looking absolutely nothing like it. The original was a 59 Cadillac!
That said, the attention that car got was astonishing. Absolutely nothing else attracted that much attention. People would walk past a Lamborghini to check it out and talk to me. And I got it for $750.
In reply to mtn :
Ok if I ever got my hands on a crusty black Monaco I'd probably be the idiot in the half assed Bluesmobile clone.
I'd even settle for 2nd best

In reply to ddavidv :
The worst part was cop cars changing models mid chase scene.
EDIT: I remembered Ecto 1 is definitely not the coolest movie ambulance.

I’ll take one of these:

...and tow it with one of these (Tremors):