6/4/17 12:49 p.m.
I almost hate to share this but have discovered an amazing time capsule of a junkyard in Monroe Ga. Vehicles from the 30's through 80's. Lots of trucks everything from Z cars to Opel,Studebaker, Rambler, REO and on and on and on. Most are under trees and in bushes. Place is called Hodges Auto Salvage. Probably been there 50 years. Nice people too. Share any other like this please. We are restoring an 86 F250 fire truck and are still looking for a red dual tank long bed.
I know what you mean, keeping it a secret. On the other hand, it's awful to let stuff like that rot away.
If I was a millionaire... 
6/4/17 2:51 p.m.
Considering most on this board can do something positive with this info...
Thanks for sharing
In reply to SPG123:
Thanks, Will Head that Way Soon.
I need to check it out sometime too.
I could walk through those yards for hours...
Man I'd love to go wander around that place for a day.