11/23/08 10:06 p.m.
OK, so project E30 is fully underway in my garage. The front towers are tied into the main cage box, the box itself is super-tied into the body and I am staring at a foul trailing arm rear suspension. I have, on my floor under the car, an E36 MCoupe 5 lug setup that I had planned to swap in but... same problem as the original just heaver and stronger. So... I started looking at the Oxy torch, the welder... the pile of cutoff grinding stuff laying around and had me some thoughts....
has anyone ever put a MacPherson setup in the rear of one of these? That s.h.i.t (having E36 M3 appear here would be confuzing) would fix the toe issue.
How hard would it be to stuff the GTO or Cobra independent crap under here in case I find a LS-2 for cheep.
where do I find hubs that can attach to whatever retarded thing I come up with and still use E36 15" wheels?
Does Kane West really think he is that good or is it just his marketing team thinking that cross-eyed fool needs an angle and "a$$hat" is that angle?
Seriously, Dont cut anything until you sober up.
Cobra IRS could be had for CHEAP, especially a '99 unit (Mustang guys don't like the IRS, the '99 unit in paticular, as it's a 28 spline unit, and considered "too weak" for drag launches). It's designed primarily to bolt up in place of the solid axle unit, and only secondarily for handling, which means it's a compromised design.
11/23/08 10:24 p.m.
Reverend... when you capitalize CHEAP like that... you make me think like "trade for a 6 pack of PBR" cheap and I get all excited like my dog when he sees a snausage in my hand. Do you have any idea of where one might locate such a thing to evaluate?
It needs to be close in weight to the stock E30 stuff (monster trailing arms are HEAVY). I can fudge the pickups a little but the track needs to be "similar" - if the control arms are 30" long then its a no-go.
Well, actually, on the Mustang boards I frequent, $350 is considered expensive for a '99 IRS. $100 is probably going rate, and free isn't unheard of. I couldn't tell you much in the way of specs for it though, sorry.
11/24/08 12:04 a.m.
Has anyone given any thought to a MacPherson setup? I only see one drawback over the factory setup and that is fabricating a hub to accept the axle bearing. I could probably source a working model from the front of an E46 325iX if I wanted to keep the BMW-ness.
Has anyone gone down this path? Where is your picture thread!?