This is just the projects, too. 94 Sentra swapped up to SER, 95 Neon twincam IT2 car, another twincam ministock racer, single cam rally car, 850 Volvo DD, 2 RT Neons from insurance salvage that are almost ready for sale, a 1600 '95 Sentra that needs a dent out of the door and a bit of sill repair to be ready to sell, and a Dakota extended cab that just needs the rear bumper painted to be ready to sell.
Plus I crew on and sometimes drive an SLM stock car, which is headed for the MIlwaukee Mile for an ASA midwest tour race next week...which I am missing to go to my Moms funeral.
And I run an automotive shop with 4 employees.
I'd want to drive the 82 and the 510 the most, but that's just me.
Coronet Wagon . MOPAR is cheap horsepower, and I am a sucker for a Wagon.
Ian F
6/7/12 8:16 a.m.
Keith wrote:
Which one do you want to drive the most? You need that desire in order to finish a project.
Indeed. I like the "idea" of doing stuff to my E30, but the fact is I don't really like driving the car that much... so it needs to go.
Much of my project priorities come from having a place to work on it. I'm really looking forward to working on my basket-case 1800ES, but I need a long-term area to do this first as my garage is occupied by my GT6 and TDi.
In reply to mguar:
Staying single is a choice I would have needed to make 27 years and 2 kids ago.
Obviously the 510 is the coolest car in the lot, so you should sell it to me.
You can't get rid of your 82, and an LS1/manual swap would do the trick there. After that I'd say keep whichever other one is the most solid, then sell the rest to help offset the cost of the projects that you're keeping.
Oh, and I think if you posted pics up of all of these it would help us decide!
I don't know where you're at but I have a 1948 Fleetmaster that has everything.
I'd LOVE an aerosedan body.
-Holy crap, you're in Saskatchewan!!!-
I can help you with one of your problems 
Thin the herd
+1 on the 82, DD and sentiment.
510, is it worth the 40-50 hours of body work?
I'm sure you could sell it here quick.
67 camaro, hard call. It is an easy sell, but one you really like.
The shoe box, also, an easy sell. You have had it for 36 years, has it been anything more than a shell in that time?
The dodge, sell. The question is, will it pay off to fix and sell Vs. as is.
'48, sell it.
In reply to neon4891:
There's no Ford in that list.
if I were anywhere near saskatchewan I'd want the Fleetline and the 510 =]
Trans_Maro wrote:
I don't know where you're at but I have a 1948 Fleetmaster that has everything.
I'd LOVE an aerosedan body.
-Holy crap, you're in Saskatchewan!!!-
I can help you with one of your problems
I'll see if I can take some pictures this weekend. Beware it is NOT a restoration candidate...but the floor pan is good since it sat on its roof from about 69 till 97 when the farm got sold.