6/6/18 9:04 a.m.
We got a brand new van for my wife. Now we need to figure out what to do for me. I’ll be selling the rest of the fleet, so basically starting from scratch here. Because of the impending human larva that is coming, and the aforementioned new can, we’re going to try to keep me in a beater for a couple of years.
So, with that in mind... requirements:
1: Super safe. It will have to have back up baby duties just in case.
2: It can be one or two cars, but one has to be safe, and both have to be able to take a baby seat—even if it means moving the passenger seat all the way up. This rules out the Miatas. Sorry folks.
3: I would like at least a modicum of “fun”. Ideally, I would have a sedan/wagon and an E46 ZSP/ZHP. But that’s way out of the budget
4: 25 mpg combined MPG
5: At least one automatic
6: The hard part: total budget is $4,500. (And keep in mind insurance costs, even though I am over 25, a civic still is high to insure)
7: if it’s a 1 car solution, it has to be reliable
I think that I need to give up for a year or two and just get a Camry/Accord/Avalon/Fusion/Whatever, but I can’t help feeling like there is something out there that I have missed. The automatic requirement is killing me though, as all the autos that I like are either with V8’s and are too expensive or too poor mpg, or else too new.
6/6/18 9:10 a.m.
Isn't a Mazda 6 supposed to be a less beige version of the Camry/Accord/Malibu? You might even find a wagon. You're Chicago area right? I count 35 Mazda 6s in your budget on Chicago CL at the moment.
In reply to mtn :
You need a pair of 10-15 year old Hyundais or Kias. Surprisingly fun, cheap to insure and maintain, disposable enough to not worry about minor damage. Get one each in auto/manual.
S40/V50 T5 AWD manual. Will be likely stretching the budget a touch.
With an automatic being a requirement instead of something you're trying to avoid, how about a GM W-body with the supercharged 3800 SC? That would be a Regal GS, Grand Prix GTP, or Impala SS. Big back seat, suspension is less terrible than you'd expect, mileage is about in the range you're looking for, and you can find one with enough budget for a second car.
Maybe a 4 door GTI with a DSG? I’m not sure if they’d be in your price range yet though. Probably not the most reliable choice either
6/6/18 10:20 a.m.
Turbine said:
Maybe a 4 door GTI with a DSG? I’m not sure if they’d be in your price range yet though. Probably not the most reliable choice either
I think you hit the two issues with them. Will keep an eye out thoygh
GTI with a DSG seems like the answer if you can find one in budget and diy some of the maintenance.
I was also going to suggest a Mazda 3. First gens are cheap and reliable. Lots of space and I actually found the auto to be decent. It responds well to driver input, it’s a 5 speed (I loathe 4 speed autos) and it has a decent manual shift that actually goes the proper direction (forward goes down a gear). Mileage is... meh but they’re fun for the everyday grind.
Edit: get the latest year hatch you can find. They got better over the years. The one I drove was an 2007.
You seem to imply that a baby seat and a Miata can not be a combination. I just wanted to get this out there in case you are making a assumption that baby seat are not allowed in the front seats of cars.
Unless your state is different, most sates encourage the back seat as the best place for kids but it is not illegal to have a baby seat in the front seat of a front seat only vehicle.
Look at me being all "irresponsible parent" and stuff.

6/6/18 10:55 a.m.
John Welsh said:
You seem to imply that a baby seat and a Miata can not be a combination. I just wanted to get this out there in case you are making a assumption that baby seat are not allowed in the front seats of cars.
Unless your state is different, most sates encourage the back seat as the best place for kids but it is not illegal to have a baby seat in the front seat of a front seat only vehicle.
True, but at a minimum I would have to upgrade to an NB (to disable the airbag). That being said I could probably do an even trade, but it is easier to just get something bigger. I'll be back in Miata's eventually.
The '90-'94's are even easier since there just plain ain't no passenger airbag.
6/6/18 11:54 a.m.
mtn said:
We got a brand new van for my wife. Now we need to figure out what to do for me. I’ll be selling the rest of the fleet, so basically starting from scratch here. Because of the impending human larva that is coming, and the aforementioned new can, we’re going to try to keep me in a beater for a couple of years.
So, with that in mind... requirements:
3: I would like at least a modicum of “fun”. Ideally, I would have a sedan/wagon and an E46 ZSP/ZHP. But that’s way out of the budget
6: The hard part: total budget is $4,500. (And keep in mind insurance costs, even though I am over 25, a civic still is high to insure)
7: if it’s a 1 car solution, it has to be reliable
I had a 2003 325i ZSP for almost 12 years and 100,000 miles (bought used in 2006 with 25k; sold in 2017 with 128k). In my time of ownership all it needed was oil, tires, brakes, a couple window regulators, and a wheel bearing. It never stranded me anywhere and never had any catastrophic issues at all. At almost 130k it ran and drove great; still fun to drive after 12 years as a daily.
I sold it when it was in need of the typical BMW coolant system / gasket refresh - but only because I had DW's TSX surplus in the driveway, which was a year newer and had half the miles on it. If I hadn't already owned the TSX I would have happily spent some time and money bringing the 325i back up to par and driven it another 3+ years. What it needed could have been done by me for $750 in parts and a busy weekend in the garage.
I sold it for $3500 and it was not cosmentically perfect, but rust free and never in a major wreck (slightly wrinkled hood and busted kidney grille hitting a deer). Everything worked.
Your budget of $4500 would buy a car like mine and leave you $1000 left over for the deferred maintenance. And automatics outnumber manuals at least 5 to 1.
$3500 worth of E46
In reply to Duke :
I remember hearing bad things about the GM automatics in those cars. I’m not sure if it only affected certain years or what but it’s worth looking in to.
In reply to Duke :
E46 was my first thought as well.
6/6/18 1:01 p.m.
spandak said:
In reply to Duke :
I remember hearing bad things about the GM automatics in those cars. I’m not sure if it only affected certain years or what but it’s worth looking in to.
Mostly that comes in cars that were not maintained at all. If you find one that has had the fluid changed at least once in its life, and if you change it again, they aren't as big an issue as you might hear.
Duke said:
spandak said:
In reply to Duke :
I remember hearing bad things about the GM automatics in those cars. I’m not sure if it only affected certain years or what but it’s worth looking in to.
Mostly that comes in cars that were not maintained at all. If you find one that has had the fluid changed at least once in its life, and if you change it again, they aren't as big an issue as you might hear.
My experience is not 100% applicable since I have a ZF auto, but when I changed ATF at 165k, it had never been changed before and opinions were split 50/50 on change vs don't change. Happy to report that at 182k the trans is still going strong and doesn't do any of the cold-weather RPM flares or the hard 2-1 downshift approaching a stop, both of which it did before the change.
1st and 2nd gen neons. one auto one manual.
Mrs. Brap DDs a focus wagon (auto) and we are working on putting another together for when her current one finally dies from the rot. Dirt cheap to buy, upkeep and insure.