to get a tie rod end off? The locking nut is sezied on there pretty good. I hosed it down in penetrating oil, did the vice grips, big wrench, whole 9 yards! Problem is its on jack stands (no lift anywhere in sight) and i dont have that much room to play with. Dont think its reverse threads. Good ideas would be helpful... Oh, its a manual rack, if it helps...
Heat; just be cautious not to set the penetrating oil into too large a blaze.
MAP gas portable torch from the hardware store can do wonders.
Remove the inner tie rod end from the rack and the outer from the knuckle. place the inner tie rod end in a vice and heat the lock nut, loosen. Attempt to remove the outer tie rod end. IF IT WILL NOT COME LOOSE AFTER THE LOCK NUT IS LOOSE then replace the inner and outer tie rod ends together. Trust me it is a lot easier in the long run.
New Reader
5/21/09 12:12 p.m.
real quick before taking the whole thing off tap the locknut lightly (or not lightly but i didnt tell you to do so) with a small hammer and try to shock it loose ive done that a lot doing alignments and it works, if not do what Mr. john brown had suggested, his ideas will work for sure.
ive tried with a hammer with a wrech on the end, nothing. just went down the street to NAPA and they said it would cost $85 just to take the old one off and put the new one on - NO way! Gonna figure it out one way or another. Dont have a torch handy, though that is a good idea, and not really looking forward to removing the inner tie rod, but its got to be done...
New Reader
5/21/09 12:21 p.m.
No, dont put a wrench on it and hit the wrench, soak the locknut ITSELF with penetrant and hit the locknut directly with the hammer. Its kinda a neanderthal way to do it but like i said many times ive unfrozen the threads of a tie rod lock nut with pb and good hammer.
New Reader
5/21/09 12:22 p.m.
oh yeah and dont just tap on one side, the idea is to internally break the threads from the lock and the rod loose from each other.
let me give that a shot...
I second lots of heat. If you have an air compressor do this:
Take a big freaking socket (large enough to house the ball-joint end of the tie rod, not the threaded shaft though) about 36mm. But a slot in it so you can slide the socket over the tie rod and have the threaded shaft sticking out of the notch you cut. Use your impact and have fun. basically, make a socket like this

Headbutt. Just rear back, close your eyes at the last minute, and WHAMMO! It'll come loose or you won't care afterwards.
Xceler8x wrote:
Headbutt. Just rear back, close your eyes at the last minute, and WHAMMO! It'll come loose or you won't care afterwards.
WWJB do? What Would Jack Bauer do!
Great Success!!! lil bit of yelling and cussing and it broke loose!! Now to get it aligned...
John Brown wrote:
Xceler8x wrote:
Headbutt. Just rear back, close your eyes at the last minute, and WHAMMO! It'll come loose or you won't care afterwards.
WWJB do? What Would Jack Bauer do!
I thought that stood for What Would Jimmy Buffett Do!
Nobody mentioned actually using a tie rod tool?