If so, can you help me identify this plug? It's on or near the engine.
3 wires, black (ground) gray(fuel related) and green (mystery) the connector has 4 openings for wires, but only 3 are used.
Came from a 95 350 w/ A/C, cruise, and 4 wheel ABS and manual trans.
The tag I put on it has been lost so I can't figure out where it went. Harness is being used in a different application and I don't have access to the truck any longer to match it up. My wiring diagram has failed me.

Do you know in roughly what vicinity it was? (That sentence makes my brain hurt too)
What makes you think it is "fuel related"?
GM is generally good about not wasting pins in Weatherpak connectors. All the same, that COULD be for the ignition module, which is parked up next to the throttle body.
IIRC the map sensor uses the funky old-style Weatherpak with the green connector that WILL break if you look at it funny so never ever disconnect the MAP. And the TPS uses a 3-pin connector and the IAC is one of several different species.
If it came from the back-ish of the engine, I'd say it plugs into the distributor..
Nope, the plug is too big for the dist.
The coil, dist, maf, egr, tps, oxy, esc, iac, oil pressure, and both coolant sensors are accounted for. A/C has been removed.
The gray wire traces back to the fuel pump circuit. Took the harness out 2 months ago, labeling everything in the process.
This label got away somehow. Maybe more toward the driver side.
Oh, the dreaded mystery wire...
Hmmm.... WHERE in the fuel pump circuit does it go?
GM liked to do things like power-up some circuits off of the fuel pump relay. or have an oil pressure switch tied into the fuel pump relay.
OTOH, black/purple/green sounds like one of the combinations for the fuel sender/module. Usually it's orange, not green, though. How long is the wiring coming off of that? Long enough to possibly go back to the fuel tank?
Definitely not long enough to get back to the tank. The gray wire is joined with one or two other grays, one does get over to the oil pressure sender, but that's not this plug. Pump relay is different too.
That reminds me. I've got a mystery wire near the transfer case on my 95 F150. Maybe all 95 trucks have mystery plugs.
cruise control related?
do you have the engine there to plug it in? that's the easiest way to figure out what it's for.
N Sperlo wrote:
That reminds me. I've got a mystery wire near the transfer case on my 95 F150. Maybe all 95 trucks have mystery plugs.
There is an extra plug on the main harness of F150 near the output shaft of the trans only if your truck is not a 4x4.