I am (was?) not one but now that there's a grand baby around I have a new list of projects. Ian wants to make this into a push car, adapt some kid of hitch thing on back and push the kid around car shows etc.
What is this one?
Closest I could find is a Murray Comet or a Speedomatic (a 2 speed tranny pedaler). This one is unique due to its chain drive in lieu of push-pull rods.

I have a 70's fire truck beat to crap by my two brothers.
Found out it's a BMC, Binghamton Machining Company; made pedal cars from 1944 to 1953 to drum up business. Pedal car production was bought up by AMF.

Woa! Those pics took me straight back the mid 60's 157 Pinecrest Lane, Fairhope Alabama. My cousins had a pedal car like that we used to ride on the sidewalk. I can smell the pine trees mixed with Scot's Paper mill in Mobile, and bay water now. Holy Crap!
I bought an old Moszkvics pedal car when the eldest was born. Both kids loved it, but they've gotten to the age where neither fits in it anymore. Mrs. Hungary and I were just talking about stashing it away in the attic until grandkids make an appearance.

Good times