A guy from Utah bought my 996 and drove from WV to Denver (1300 miles) where it appears that the fuel pump has died. He's got 500 miles to go to get home to Salt Lake City. I gave him a Durametric, but he has no laptop. Anyone care to lend a hand or know of an indy shop that could?
Docwhyte (?) is there I think
Yep, I'm in Denver and I'm free today. For whatever reason pm/email from this site doesn't get to me. My email address is docwyte at comcast dot net.
From what I understand, he left the car at a shop in Denver and went home to Salt Lake City. I'm not sure what, if anything, you're willing or able to do at this point. I attempted to help him determine the fuel pump work/no work situation. I assume the shop will get it sorted.
I never had a bit of trouble with the car so this crank-no-start issue is a mystery. In one day he put more miles on the car than I did in three years so it may be a case of a lack of exercise before a long trip.
If you think you can offer something at this point and want to, Doc, I can put you in contact with the new owner.
Not a whole lot more I can do. Which shop did he take it to? Hopefully its something easy and cheap...
Arvada German Garage in Arvada, CO
Rennlist is leaning toward fuel pump or crank position sensor.
9/10/19 8:43 a.m.
I'm not familiar with that place, pass along my info in case he needs it.