I think I finally have to update the DD from our beloved 2000 323i. A 2012 GTI has come up locally. 6 speed.
What should I know? How bad is the traction control, which apparently cannot be switched off? This would primarily be a DD, although Hot-foot Heather may end up driving it on track . . .
I can't even believe I'm asking this, based on previous VW experience (albeit, from the 1980s).
Make sure the timing chain tensioner update has been done, if not, prepare to cough up a bunch of money to have it done. Still cheaper than a new engine.
Super sketchy that VW buried the problem under a TSB instead of having a recall, but that's the way VW rolls...
Why not to buy one? Because VW
Klayfish wrote:
Why not to buy one? Because VW
I think I covered that reservation in my post . . . 
There is also a water pump recall, had to do a few when I was working at VW (and a bit of a pain because its under the intake manifold) and pointofdepature is right about the timing chain tensioner as well (If its CPO get them to do it if there is no record on it) other then that they are really not bad so long as its been taken care of.
5/16/16 9:23 a.m.
We had a 2010 Golf Wagon and if you look carefully when the doors swing open the leading edge of the door goes in toward the main chassis. One winter day a few years ago water got down in that area and froze. When my wife opened the door, it bent the lower part of the leading edge of the door right over!!!
VW had it repaired under warranty, but we sold the car shortly after, since there was no way of preventing this from happening again. If I recall correctly, you live near Kingston, ON, so although your weather is milder than ours this can still be a problem.
Check the lower part of the leading edge of any car you look at.
Newer VW's are like most German cars, get a car with a good service history, recalls up-to-date and be prepared to take care of it properly, then you will be happy. You or any previous owners neglect it, then you will be walking.