I have a Monroe strut and shock dimension chart, which is handy to see what may be swappable between cars.
I've also found a tie rod outer and inner dimension reference on the Moog website...I might need that some day.
But what I'm really after is a serviceable lower control arm ball joint dimension chart. Have any of you seen such a thing?
i think Moog used to have such a beast..
Go to almost any parts store and look at the catalog. There is a section of application, a section of photos, and the back has a section of dimensions.
I did the same thing with brake master cylinders for my 66 Bonneville so I could match piston bore sizes, stroke, bolt pattern, and other factors to match my hodge-podge of brake hardware.
speedway motors also have a good chart/list
Where did you find the Monroe shock and strut dimension chart?
I don't remember where I found it, but I put it on my webspace:
Monroe shock and strut chart
I wish it had the dimensions of the bottom bracket where the strut attaches to the spindle, but it's still a handy way to see what may be adaptable between cars.
join the locost yahoo group theres 3 or 4 excell spreed sheets with all the tie rod and ball joint dementions.
In reply to curtis73:
Where does a guy go to find a parts store with a catalog. 
I know I know. LOL
In reply to ronholm:
We'll need your VIN, sir.