Not crazy about the term "Larn Me Sumptin".
One sitting at an unfinished home next to my son's house, hasn't moved in a year and the house will probably never be completed by its current owner. The truck is obviously a U-Haul retiree by its colors. 6 cylinder automatic with 200,000 miles. The good is that maybe someone actually serviced it, bad is it has 200k on it. No rust, clean unripped light grey interior and the box has been replaced with a flat rack body. The photo below is only for reference, not the actual truck.
So. Issues, chronic complaints? Can it actually ride the left lane at 70 mph?
Thanks, Dan

I have a friend with one that is a RV. He loves it. Over 20 mpg. Insanely slow and very vulnerable to rust. He bought his in Texas. He lives near Albany and never drives it in snow but still fights rust. I'd say hauling is fine, towing, not so much. But that is just 1 bit of information and through a friend, so indirect.
iirc most of those were just bolt on adapters to make them dually.
If it's the 3.0 V6 that were in the first gen 4Runners, they nuke head gaskets. Not sure if it's a design flaw or neglected, though. Probably a bit of both.
Design flaw that Toyota was aware of, and would replace the gaskets for free back in the day.
These things were like crack for southern California contractors. They were all over the place when I lived in L.A. and I never appreciated one until I used one.
They are not a 1-ton truck (obviously) but they are a pretty wonderful tool. They take some serious weight, the beds are super low to the ground, and they are as bulletproof as you would expect from a Toyota.
In L.A. many of them were 4-cyl 5 speeds. I really wish I had bought one because they're really tough to find these days.
S-L-O-T-H. The v6 was actually slower than the 22re, despite making more power...
Thanks guys, for some reason I thought these were straight sixes.
Ian F
6/4/18 6:44 a.m.
A 4 cyl is about all the engine bay can take length-wise. One of these with a SBC swap would probably work well as a utility truck and be a hell of a lot less work than an inline 6.
The only thing I've ever heard about them is they are slow as molasses.