Hey Guys,
I spent a few hours removing the bangin stereo system that was in my 74 RX-4 when I bought it last fall. It consisted of two amps(one really big one,and one smaller one) some giant speakers in the rear deck, a removable face Pioneer Super Tuner CD stereo,and the door speakers that I have left in there for now,as I don't want holes in the panels exposed.
Is this stuff worth anything on the used market,and if so where would be my best pace to market it?
Pics? Possibly here. I've been wanting some older stereo stuff in my MX6.
Take pix, post on CraigsList and hope for the best.
4/2/10 8:04 p.m.
I bought stereo stuff from someone on the board before. Need more details and pictures in the 2010 section.
I added some pics to my site of the amps,and the stereo.
Any interest? Worth anything?
4/3/10 5:22 p.m.
I'm gonna say no or at least not much. The Fosgate amp will probably bring the most. I would be surprised if you saw over $125 for all the pieces. 
My estimates??:
Crunch amp $40
Headunit $40
Fosgate amp $40-50
And those estimates are on the high end. car audio stuff has gotten really cheap over the years and ebay is a great dumping ground and is a hotbed of deals. Good Luck.
Just a tip. If you are serious about selling something, take 2 mins and write down what you have and post it.
Selling "two amps(one really big one,and one smaller one)" isn't going to get you big money but if you list the brand, model, amps and maybe the wattage and other features you might get some interest.
I am not advertising them here. I just wanted to get an idea if these things were worth anything. I don't even know what these things are. There is a classified section for selling things,and that isn't what I was hoping to do here. Just a question as to what if any value used stereo stuff holds. I was just going to throw it all in the trash,but thought maybe someone could tell me if it was worthwhile.
4/3/10 7:17 p.m.
You can use the trash can at my house. You do not want to be troubled with Hazardous waste fees for the circuit boards.
Follow the advise you have been given, take 2 mins and write down what you have and post it.
Put down what you want for it. IF nothing, then list if for shipping only.
If shipping only, toss it all in a flat rate box from the USPS and I will send you the $$$
Craigslist or Ebay it.
I sold a nice 4 channel Alpine amp on ebay that was sitting on a shelf for 10 years for ~$80. Money in my pocket is better than parts on a shelf. :)
High end older amps still bring big bucks.
OLD Fosgate (Pre Best Buy stuff)
Old Alpine stuff
Old MTX stuff
Old Nakamichi
Old Precision Power (PPI)
Basically, older American or Japanese stuff is still worth something. 5-10 year old stuff is not worth dickety.
I'm interested in the Fosgate Punch amp. Anyway you could take more pictures and find out the model number maybe? Looking for something to compliment my Punch 160.
4/4/10 6:05 p.m.
It appear to be a Punch 40x2
Do you have the end cap pieces also? Like so... If so it will bring in a little more cash.

No I don't have any end pieces like the ones shown.
In reply to Marty!:
I think I used to have 2 of those. I have no idea what happened to them.
Marty! wrote:
It appear to be a Punch 40x2
Do you have the end cap pieces also? Like so... If so it will bring in a little more cash.
That brings back memories. I had a 60x2 like that. Bridged at 1 ohm on two dual voice coil 15's, it made a little bit of bass. 
People always laughed at me for running such a small amp on two 15's, but they shut up once they heard it.
I've had good luck with finding similar stereo stuff on ebay, clicking "sell similar" and posting pics. Generally at least get something out of it.
I hate selling things on craigslist. Everybody flakes on everything all the time. In the end it's always more trouble to coordinate pick-up than to drop something in FedEx and ship.