I bought myself a Christmas gift (an old pinball machine) and need to get it to Florida either over the holidays or during the Rolex weekend. Anybody got room in their truck for something about 2x3' and going near Philidelphia and heading down I-95. I am a minute off I-95 just north of Daytona.
Payment will include tour of the GRM world headquarters work shop, beer, gas money or whatever it takes.
We are not heading North until May and I don't trust a shipping company with this.
I'm making the trip in May, in case you can't find something sooner.
I'll be heading to Miami from the greater Philly area sometime in January or February. I'm not yet sure what I'm driving, and I'm sure you'll find something before that though.
Can't help with transport, but...
Which old pinball machine is it?
I am thinking about running over to Phila on Saturday. Do you need it picked up and stored until someone runs South?
12/14/11 7:50 p.m.
How about if we can get it to GA? I have a BABE team coming to my place in NJ which is just outside philly to get their BABE ride. If they have room they can probably get it near Atlanta for you.
Shoot me an email jim at misfittoysracing dot com if that works
They will be here the weekend of Jan 7th, if it needs to be moved before that we can probably figure out how to get it to my place.
How much gas money are we talking?
I'm always up for a road trip!
shame.. I am not heading that way till late january
12/15/11 6:42 a.m.
I think we have this all set to get from Philly to Augusta GA the weekend of Jan 7th so if someone wants to take the GA to FL leg and save Tim the trip to GA let me know :)