Mod Edit: SOLD
I got suckered into taking a 1942 Ford GPW for what I think is going to be free from a work friend who is leaving to live in Alaska. Has some rust in the bed and the motor is a later L motor, allegedly in the DMW system already non non-op, ran when parked. I need this like a hole in the head.
Will post pictures here this weekend and confirm the documents. Worst case I will seal the metal up quick and throw it down below the house in storage. Would be fun to see it turned into something for the 2014/2015$ slammed and on slicks if somebody has the time and energy to do so. Just my fees and gas to tow it home likely.
1/12/24 3:25 p.m.
If I was looking for a jeep, it'd be something that old.
Good luck with it.
1/12/24 3:35 p.m.
My wife is glad you're a continent away
Against my better judgment, which is usually not very good let alone better: Where?
I can probably get a variance from the spousal unit on this 'cuz she loved my grandparent's '46 CJ2.
San Diego, specifically La Jolla.
Looks like I am helping pull it from the garage where is has been sitting for a few decades tomorrow. Let me get all the info, current owner just wants it to get used and not turned into razor blades.
1/12/24 5:13 p.m.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Just heard from back from David Tracy, he'd be interested in it as a candidate for an EV swap off road build. He's up in LA.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
I'm having some difficulty picturing a WW2 GPW garage find in La Jolla. Sorta like a garage find in [insert your local hoity-toity town].
Please post as many pitchers as you can so we can feel the atmosphere. This is exciting! Like that guy who did the garage find reality show thing.
1/12/24 6:50 p.m.
johndej said:
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Just heard from back from David Tracy, he'd be interested in it as a candidate for an EV swap off road build. He's up in LA.
Damnit, David. Not everything has to be an EV swap.
I haven't done one yet!
And a WWII Jeep makes all the sense in the world, in that it has mass appeal and should perform well story-wise. A budget EV conversion/Rubicon Trail challenge — it's content gold, I tell ye'!
I almost looked at this, but the seller refused to tell me if it's been in a fire. As I see zero plastic left on it, I'm assuming it has, so I passed.
1/12/24 7:45 p.m.
In reply to davidntracy :
Just screwin with ya, man. Welcome to my favorite madhouse. Been trying to get a couple of you guys over here for forever.
Just do it cheaply, I'm tired of seeing people do high-dollar builds of EV conversions
In reply to davidntracy :
Welcome. Let it be known that Grassroots is the first word around here and Motorsports is the second word. A few things from here you might like...
More power!

A path less followed via a path less followed

Boxter and CyberPrius

In reply to Mr_Asa :
EXACTLY! I bought a $1000 Leaf for precisely that reason.
1/12/24 8:20 p.m.
davidntracy said:
In reply to Mr_Asa :
EXACTLY! I bought a $1000 Leaf for precisely that reason.
Well hell. You might be eligible for the $2000 Challenge.
1/12/24 8:28 p.m.
I was going to see if I could figure out how to get it back here but David is far more likely to het it going again and much closer.
So it's on the trailer a lot less rust then you would expect. I have the military blackout lights and gauges.
engine is a 50s Willy that "runs" you could roadkill this thing with about three or four days of work no problem
had a new radiator and a few other small things here and there.
I have a title and it is non op in California I have the original 1963 plates when it was registered and I have documents back to about 1969 give or take 
Interesting. It's got a CJ3A windshield and grille, and probaly an F-head engine, with that cutout to clear the carb?
I want it! I'll park it next to my 50 CJ3A.

Just need you to deliver it to Tennessee
davidntracy said:
Interesting. It's got a CJ3A windshield and grille, and probaly an F-head engine, with that cutout to clear the carb?
That's my guess as well. It's dark will get photos for you tomorrow and post them here.
In reply to wearymicrobe :
Thank you!
1/14/24 12:41 a.m.
My next car purchase will likely be a flatfender. Thankfully I (legally/permanently) reside in NC, even though I winter in CA. Very cool starting point though!
Can't tell for sure from the photo, but the scoop on the hood looks like the one used on large Ford trucks in the late 1950s and then 'borrowed' by Pontiac for use on 1962-1963 Super Duty 421 race cars.
So lots of photos as promised. Into the jeep for about 85$ in gas and tow so that's what I want for it. Has a new radiator in a box. New headlights and taillights. Minimal rust but has a few cracks and pinholes here and there. Motor is a little tight so likely needs to have the head pulled and checked
First come first serve on this one. Title in hand signed with no date value of 100$. All past paperwork included. All the spare parts included.
This should like to about 30 photos of the condition so you can see it.