This probably will not apply to the College students among us but I have a morning ritual.
I get to work, clear my work space, boot up my pc.
check on my three/four webcomics.
Then log onto here and two or three other car forums for my morning update. Laugh or cry with Tuna, read up on neck tattoes by Mazdeuce, worry about wheel spirals.
Only once I've got my build thread fix do I close my web browser and get my work day going.
I liken this to the old guys at everyone's office that come in early so they can sit there quietly and read the paper before starting their day.
Anyone else have a morning ritual? (Please no bowel movement stories unless utterly humiliating.)
Coffee, GRM, work. In that order, every day.
3rd shift evening work ritual:
I usually arrive at least 20 minutes before the beginning of my shift.
First I hit the water cooler to fill my bottle then add instant coffee and stevia for my go juice.
I take a few sips as I walk around the shop to see if there have been any breakdowns that require immediate attention.
I decide which parts are the highest priority.
I pick a machine to use to make said parts. (For the first op, at least. I usually wind up using several machines over the course of the night.)
I set my coffee at said machine then go visit my co-workers to catch up on the latest scuttlebutt and trade insults.
I'm the President of the OCD Member's Anonymous.
Walk into the door, boot computer, put breakfast in microwave, go next door and punch in, make a french press of coffee, say hi to everyone.
Sit down, enjoy a half cup of coffee while breakfast cools, check emails, check GRM and 1 other site, eat breakfast. Check the weather and local news station. Start working.
On the weekends, the only thing that changes is that I make breakfast from scratch and browse the interwebs while watching the news or something brainless on tv. I'm an early riser, so the SO still sleeps while all of this goes on typically.
4/17/15 7:56 a.m.
Morning wood...maybe. Morning ritual? Wake, piss, phone for life updates, Grm, game of the moment, out the door.
I usually shower... Usually.
Pull into work 25 min early, try to figure out which automotive fluid it is that I smell burning, text my wife "good morning", shut truck off, listen to Sports Radio while perusing GRM until 6:30am and walk into work.
ebonyandivory wrote:
listen to Sports Radio while perusing GRM until 6:30am and walk into work.
Toucher and Rich, or D&C?
Make coffee, walk to mailbox for paper, feed dogs, drink coffee, read the paper, take a massive dump, get to work.
Every day.
feed the dogs, let them out, start coffee, do dishes, have breakfast, massive, shower, refill coffee, check traffic to see, 95, 895, 695 to 95, 1, or 97 to 100. drive in. once in boot up computer, check email, check action item list, check here, check in with east coast sponsors as needed, start on list items, then check in with west coast sponsors prior to lunch. freak out because I didn't remember to let dogs back in.
Mazdax605 wrote:
ebonyandivory wrote:
listen to Sports Radio while perusing GRM until 6:30am and walk into work.
Toucher and Rich, or D&C?
D&C! Callahan and I share a brain most days!
(I left out the part about driving by PseudoSports house and driveby-stalking his projects).
Looking forward to the Walmart car show btw!
Walk into work after a stressful morning of dropping off kids and forgotten homework and dealing with dogs and traffic and whatever...glad to finally have some peace and quiet. Put lunch in fridge. Connect laptop to docking station. Scan GRM. Scan Jalopnik. Start dealing with all of the people who come to my office and need the boss to make a decision.
wake up at 7:30, let dogs out, pee, get dressed, let dogs in, leave the house at 7:45, get to work 5-10 minutes before 8:00.
ebonyandivory wrote:
Mazdax605 wrote:
ebonyandivory wrote:
listen to Sports Radio while perusing GRM until 6:30am and walk into work.
Toucher and Rich, or D&C?
D&C! Callahan and I share a brain most days!
(I left out the part about driving by PseudoSports house and driveby-stalking his projects).
Looking forward to the Walmart car show btw!
I'm a T&R guy, but I'll let it slide.
And if you've been stalking Pseudosport long enough, I'm sure you've seen my CSX. It lived with him for a few months when I was closing on my house.
Every day, I get up, make coffee, get ready for work, and leave the house, staring at my Trans Am which has been under a cover in my driveway for nearly 5 years now, thinking about how much cooler it would be to drive to work than my Mazda. It's quite depressing, actually. 
I'm a T&R guy as well Tony. I too have been to Pseudosports house, or maybe it was his parents place in Hingham.
So why did I see the AMC in Hanson on High Street (iirc).
Nope, I don't even set my alarm. I go to work when I wake up, so I will get to work anytime between 5am and 9am.
Up at 5AM, morning rituals & dress, let the dog out, pack lunch and pour a cup of coffee then out the door by 6 latest. Get to work before 630 listening to local radio for weather. Fire up PC and eat some oatmeal while reading the news then work. Unfortunately I don't get to GRM till lunch. Makes more reading that way.
4/17/15 12:00 p.m.
Wake up, brush teeth, get dressed, get water, drive to favorite coffee spot, order said coffee, drive to work, walk around and talk to the techs, start up PC, check GRM, and other forums, work, check GRM, eat lunch, read some build threads, "work" for the rest of the day 
Alarm goes off at 5:30am. I hit snooze a time or seven.
Take shower and get dressed while still asleep. Usually at least awake enough to put on clean clothes.
Get in Jeep. After anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, arrive at work depending on amount of traffic.
Wake up the rest of the way during the half mile walk from my parking garage to Corporate Hell and wonder what my commute was like, as i don't remember any of it.
Get to work, enjoy the most of my 30 minutes designated to "Desk Time," which is all the time i'm allotted to get through over 80 emails a day. (SEEMS LEGIT)
Update build thread(s) with pertinent info if i have any.
Knock out 12 hours worth of work in 2 hours. berkeley off the rest of the day.
Drive home autonomously, magically arriving at home.
Then my day starts.
4/17/15 12:28 p.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
It all makes sense, now...
Some days i feel bad about it. Then i remember that i'm the highest performer on the team. By a wide margin.
According to their own metrics, i don't get paid enough for the work i do, so... screw it.
4/17/15 12:34 p.m.
In reply to Swank Force One:
I wasn't judging
that'd be hypocritical.
bluej wrote:
In reply to Swank Force One:
I wasn't judging
that'd be hypocritical.
Hahaha oh i know. Just figured i'd pad the post count some more. 
Swank Force One wrote:
Alarm goes off at 5:30am. I hit snooze a time or seven.
Take shower and get dressed while still asleep. Usually at least awake enough to put on clean clothes.
Get in Jeep. After anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours, arrive at work depending on amount of traffic.
Wake up the rest of the way during the half mile walk from my parking garage to Corporate Hell and wonder what my commute was like, as i don't remember any of it.
Get to work, enjoy the most of my 30 minutes designated to "Desk Time," which is all the time i'm allotted to get through over 80 emails a day. (SEEMS LEGIT)
Update build thread(s) with pertinent info if i have any.
Knock out 12 hours worth of work in 2 hours. berkeley off the rest of the day.
Drive home autonomously, magically arriving at home.
Then my day starts.
If you change some of the times and the vehicle, we could be brothers.