So my miata sits a little low for rallycross and I don't want to invest in adjustable coilovers. Does anyone have experience with these little rubber inserts? They claim a 1" raise and I'd think the spring rate would increse a little too. So has anyone tried these for a little boost in rallycross or other application?
Coil Spacer

They will definitely raise the spring rate. Might be interesting to try.
These will lift the car 3/8".
What if you want at least a 2 inch lift? Any stupid cheap way to do that? Without also messing up camber and stuff drastically?
Use 2 of the coil spacers? of course the alignment specs will be effected, but it shouldn't be the end of the world in the dirt.
fritzsch wrote:
What if you want at least a 2 inch lift? Any stupid cheap way to do that? Without also messing up camber and stuff drastically?
Put on tires that are 4" larger in diameter 
They do exactly what they say. To get the full height you need to jack up the car and really jam them in there. They will raise spring rate. They can also cause a stress riser on the spring and could conceivably cause the spring to break. I also contend that good bump stops are absolutely vital to good rallycross behavior.
I'm using them on the front of my e30 (with H&R Sports, which were lower than I wanted for rallycross). I've had no problems with them for the full season they've been on there, and I like the extra height they give up front. Reverse rake is nice for rallycross, IMO.
Last few posts on this page of my build thread:
Josh, the donuts that you have, did they require install on the perch? or was that your choice? I'm hoping the ones that I ordered have the radiused spring groove on the top and bottom so that I can install them between coils rather than removing the whole shock and spring to get them in place.
I used them in the rear of the OE springs on the Elantra many moons ago. They worked fairly well.
i'd be sure to get some fatcat bumpstops
I've got some nice civic bumpstops that cost 1/10th the fatcats.
11/1/13 2:48 p.m.
Anyone know a source for these to fit a 2.5" coilover spring?
11/1/13 3:13 p.m.
yamaha said:
Anyone know a source for these to fit a 2.5" coilover spring?
I've had good results cutting up the big ones into 1-2" long sections and sticking those in smaller diameter springs.
11/1/13 3:35 p.m.
In reply to NONACK:
I'm looking more for an "Isolator" to prevent the springs from making noise when I rubber or poly would be great.
I have aluminum on both sides of the spring, so it makes noise. 
11/1/13 5:11 p.m.
yamaha said:
I'm looking more for an "Isolator" to prevent the springs from making noise when I turn
Something like this maybe?
Lof8 wrote:
Josh, the donuts that you have, did they require install on the perch? or was that your choice? I'm hoping the ones that I ordered have the radiused spring groove on the top and bottom so that I can install them between coils rather than removing the whole shock and spring to get them in place.
There are two types. These have one side with an outward curve to it the perch, and one side with an inward curve to seat the spring.
I think you can also buy ones that are concave on both sides, for fitting between the coils.
btw, you can install these without removing everything if you can compress the spring inside the assembly a bit. They're not a connected circle. a cheaper source, if anybody is wanting to experiment.