roninsoldier83 wrote:
Anyone on here have any experience driving/owning both an AP2 S2000 and a Lotus Elise?
Thanks in advance!
I have owned and driven neither, but this is the internet and I feel like sharing my opinion, so skip this response if you would like. 
I am incredibly emotionally attached to the elise. I am 6' 1" and have sat in every one I have been allowed to. It is probably not the car to drive home from the gym after maxing out on leg day, but you can get in it. You won't be able to drive if you are wearing boots. In 2011 I bought a new dodge challenger and it was a wonderful and perfect car for me. However, I could not get over the fact that I paid the same amount of $ for a dodge that elises were trading for at the time. My rational for skipping the lotus is I had street parking only, and I'm pretty sure the elise wouldn't stay watertight if parked outside all year.
I sold the dodge after paying it off, having no problems and realizing it was a perfect vehicle. That emotional bit in the back of my brain however said "it could have been a lotus" every time I looked at it. And that drove me crazy.
This is my actual car, reminding me of my mistake:

I have noticed the market for used elises has climbed. If you are seeing any decent ones trading for 20k or so, they are (in my opinion) behind the curve, and as inexpensive as they will ever be. Or salvage title hiding something. 30k really is the least I would be willing to budget for one. I think their market bottomed out about 5 years ago when you could still buy new ones. Now that they are out of production the selection is limited and people are aware that the value will go up.
My experience with both these vehicles is in my local autocross club. The s2k's seem to be about the same physical size as a c4 corvette. The lotus makes miata's look chubby.
The lotus' have non-toyota a/c units and (imagine this) are prone to failure. This won't be a problem in the honda's.
Oddly enough; at my local club; the (stock)c4 vettes and (stock)s2k's run pretty similar times even though they are classsed differently. I'm sure this varies elsewhere, but seems pertinent.
The gentleman whom brings his lotus however is a site to behold. He modified the suspension and runs slicks, and the way his car changes direction is pure violence. I think recently he supercharged or turbocharged it, and it dosen't run right all the time. But it is something to behold.
My emotions have grown up a little, now I pine for a cayman. Really, that is a nice way of saying I'm less adventurous than I used to be.
I think you have to ask yourself if you have an emotional need for a lotus. If so, the honda will never satisfy. Also, if you get one in nice shape for 20k, pending no crazy economic crash in the future, you will be able to sell it for more. So grab one and re-sell it after you realize it is a little too hard core for you. Then use the profit to buy a supercharger for your s2k.
If you don't have an emotional attachment to the lotus and used p-cars scare you the honda is probably the perfect car for you. They are in such a different class they are hard to compare. But the honda is a wonderful car that is very well built and should last a lifetime.