7/4/22 1:14 p.m.
Redesigning my more-indestructible motor mounts
Figure I'll get stuff sent off to SendCutSend, I've never done a tab-slot setup for lasercut files though. I could just take a file and knock down whatever doesn't fit, clamp it all in, force it, but I'd rather just do it right.
Anyone have tips for how much clearance I need with the parts?

Superfast Matt recommends 0.005" or 0.1 mm clearance between the tabs in this video and I think he has mentioned it in other videos as well. I've never done it but I'd try his recommendation based on all of the things he is building this way using send cut send.
Since you're welding, I'd err on the side of loose :) They're really just there for jigging, right?
7/4/22 1:46 p.m.
In reply to adam525i :
Looks like he does 0.005" on both sides. Works for me
7/4/22 1:47 p.m.
In reply to Keith Tanner :
Pretty much, yeah. And so I don't have to worry about getting parts offset any direction
Send cut send recommends .010
I would shave down at least one of the tabs in a joint so you have a bigger gap to weld. if everything is perfect fit the best you could do is a fusion weld which i dont think is the greatest.
I worked at a precision sheetmetal shop once upon a time. .005" was normal, but I would increase if the fit part crossed multiple bends.
That said, what is critical here is measuring the actual thickness you are going to be working with. I.E. you spec 1/8" material, but they cut 0.119" and there goes your gap.