I hope I'm not abusing a GRM site policy with this--if so, nuke it.
I responded to a CL ad for a GSXR 750 frame in Cape Cod (East Falmouth, specifically). He won't ship it. I'm wondering if anyone will be willing to inspect, acquire and ship it for me for a reasonable price. It should go UPS Ground if packaged right. The frame's only $100 so it wouldn't take much to make it not worth the trouble. If anyone's interested please contact me off-board.
One might ask where it is to be shipped.
i thought this was a kill my insert loved one here thread
I can do it for you I am in East Falmouth a lot for work. I am not sure how quickly I can get it shipped for you,but I can even look it over,and take it with me today even.
Dang it I was just in Falmouth today. Went to the vineyard for a client.
I'm headed to the Vineyard on Wednesday,and I was there on Tuesday of this week. Heck it seems I am there every 14 days or so.