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I always see you guys looking on CL and I recently found this site; It makes searches a little easier and posts thumbnails.
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I always see you guys looking on CL and I recently found this site; It makes searches a little easier and posts thumbnails.
senador wrote: It makes searches a little easier and posts thumbnails.
Thanks for the link. This site rocks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the thumbnails and radius search
yarrrr too much $ and too far away.
i need that car but closer and cheaper - no 1983 renault is worth 3 grand with faded paint, cracked interior, and non functional odo and speedo. but now i have a site to help me find one!
On searchtampest, is there a way to have it not display lists with no results??? I hate having to sift through several pages of "no results..." looking for any that might have results.
I've used them all, and I think Craiglook might be my new favorite. My biggest problem with Searchtempest isn't necessarily the "no results" lists, it's the duplicate entries because of the "Found near you" thing. Craiglook seems to eliminate that.
Crazedlist is OK, but having to pick each individual list that you want to search is kind of a pain. There are LOTS of them these days!
this is awesome, I just found a great car by using this link. I read an article not long ago about the craigs list founder and how he was unwilling to change anything about his website, this must be someone else who has come up with this...
Tom_Spangler wrote: I've used them all, and I think Craiglook might be my new favorite. My biggest problem with Searchtempest isn't necessarily the "no results" lists, it's the duplicate entries because of the "Found near you" thing. Craiglook seems to eliminate that. Crazedlist is OK, but having to pick each individual list that you want to search is kind of a pain. There are LOTS of them these days!![]()
Hey, Nathan here, from
This forum's been good to me, so when I saw this thread I thought I'd pop in and let you know that the deficiencies you note in Searchtempest are about to be a thing of the past. Literally within the next few days I'll be rolling out a new results format that will solve both of these problems, as well as make the site faster and easier to use.
Then, in about 2 months, I should be finished a complete visual redesign. That should greatly improve the usability of the site (particularly for new users) while maintaining all the advanced options and other features. (In fact, it'll open doors to develop some exciting new features.)
So check in a week or so to see the new results mode. You won't be disappointed.
Oh, and if you have any feedback, feel free to send me an email or visit the forums: I'll try to check back here too, but can't promise. :)
plance1 wrote: this is awesome, I just found a great car by using this link. I read an article not long ago about the craigs list founder and how he was unwilling to change anything about his website, this must be someone else who has come up with this...
I admire the "keeping it local" part of craigslist, but it needs a way to search an area... I'm more willing to go 500 miles for a car than a "random bag of children's clothes"
There was an interesting article in Wired magazine (I think) a couple months ago. Interesting guy that Craig. Interesting company. I wonder if Craiglook will have to change its name to sound less like Craigslist. I'd imagine the lawyers are working overtime on that one.
I always forget the name of searchtempest and still have to google craigshelper - not sure why I've never bookmarked it.
TJ wrote: I always forget the name of searchtempest and still have to google craigshelper - not sure why I've never bookmarked it.
This makes me sad... I was REALLY torn about changing the name. Craigslist has definitely expressed issues with similar domain names in the past. Usually they were more blatant, or there were other issues in combination (like auto-posting tools), but still.
That said, the CraigsHelper name was very well-recognized and memorable. Without the Craig association, Searchtempest is definitely harder to remember, which means less people end up benefiting from it. I guess I just have to remember than less is better than a chance of none... and keep getting the word out!
On that note, I've now finished the results format I mentioned above. If you'd like to take part in the beta, please head to and fire me an email. For everyone else, it should be live soon!
John Brown wrote: I will remember searchtempest for when I search for Pontiac Tempests.
Sweet, a niche!
plance1 wrote: this is awesome, I just found a great car by using this link. I read an article not long ago about the craigs list founder and how he was unwilling to change anything about his website, this must be someone else who has come up with this...
Just in case you're interested, there's an advanced search for I got a response from CraigsLooks guy:
Luc said: Chad, there's a way to run advanced search on Craiglook. Unfortunately you can't use full blown YQL (Yahoo query language) with Pipes, but boolean inclusion/exclusion operators work to some extent: 1. +expression = AND (default, you don't have to put "+" by default) 2. -expression = NOT 3. ||expression = OR Also, you can use brackets to combine criteria, e.g: (2006 || 2007 || 2008 ) acura tl -(type s) or "leather chair" (black || maroon) reclining -beige -blue -white Hope this helps. I am working on putting up a help page and simple interface for advanced search.
patgizz wrote: no 1983 renault is worth 3 grand with faded paint, cracked interior, and non functional odo and speedo.
I'd venture a guess that you'd have to look far and wide for a 1983 Renault that's worth $3K. Were I not even further away, I'd look for one out here in Fresno.
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