She looked maybe 14. Of course, she might have been 12. Or 17. Or older or younger. The person beside her looked to be her dad.
My wife and I were at a punk show. We got there early enough to land right at the barrier and hear both openers, including a new trio called UltraBomb: Finny McConnell (The Mahones) …
Read the rest of the story
And some appropriate music.
These boys and their parents were sure entertained. Jeebus, I think they're both in college now. I guess it's true that time flies like an arrow and fruit flies like a banana.

Every chance I get, I put a kid or young adult in the seat.

We also participated in vehicle day at the local elementary school for many years.

10 or 15 years ago, a young guy came to an autocross with his 240. It was his first event and on his first run, he snapped a rear axle. My son was driving the Abomination at that event. He let the guy ride every run he made. That guy was so stoked by the end of the day there was no way he and his wife weren't coming back. 15 years later...
He still has the 240. And a 200SX, and a 1500 Roadster, and a B210 Lemons car we built together. It's been a pretty good friendship.

In reply to Toyman! :
That vehicle day at the school is way rad.
In reply to Colin Wood :
We usually had the favorite vehicle because we would let all the kids climb in and around the car. My wife would give each class a short presentation. Then one year the local rescue squad showed up with their Life-Flight chopper and an air boat.
It was always a favorite event for us and another of those Covid shut down that haven't cranked back up yet.
We most certainly are in the entertainment business; kids love to see and hear about cars.

Many years ago, on a road trip with my old 911, I pulled into a Bucees and saw a group of young enthusiasts in their anime cars. I was excited to see their art and they were drooling over the Porsche. I put them behind the wheel and even let one of the kids take it around the gas station. They were elated and I got a cool pic that I still use as my screen saver on my phone. So yes, we are stewards and our excitement rubs off. We were all those kids once and a lifetime of memories can come out of one brief encounter.
5/9/24 4:19 p.m.
Somehow I would not have been brave enough to give a young enthusiast the keys to my Porsche (if I had one). You, sir, are a better man than me.
If you want there to be a next generation you have to keep engaging young people. I don't know about entertainment, but educators, sure.
5/13/24 10:37 a.m.
I got to sit in a C8 for the first time yesterday at an autocross. It made a big impression on me, that car just wraps around you in such a nice way. That and the way it launches off the start line? Amazing.
Now's the part where I mention I turned 40 last year, and have had 20+ cars over the years, and have been into racing my entire time behind the wheel. I'm no stranger to this sort of thing.
...but that C8 was still an inspiring experience. Doesn't matter how old you are. =)
I also have had countless kids go for rides around the cones in the Exocet. They all have a smile getting into the car, and a bigger one getting out. I'm doing my part.
In reply to te72 :
Yes, that. That one little taste can lead to so much.
I was driving my Miata at a Corvette Club autocross event at the airport in St Mary, GA.
There was a crowd of students there to test their Formula SAE car.
I would pick up one of them, do a run, then circle back to change passengers.
Since most of the course was third gear (I did mention that it was a corvette club event), they had fun.
I did this over the weekend at Hilton Head.
Wanna check out the 911? Please do so.
When I let a young person sit in the driver's seat, I tell them to rev the engine. Almost all of them give a timid tap on the pedal. Then I tell them, "No, give a good rev" and the look on their face when they hear the result is like a gateway drug.
I will take ANYONE on track.
I will tell the story behind the car over and over an over at a meet, show or race.
The reactions are like a drug, for both of us.
Share it.
I let a kid (teenager, actually) sit on the Murdercycle at a show. He couldn't believe someone would let him do it. With any luck, he's been ruined forever.
In reply to Caprigrip :
Every time I see an anime car that is done well, I can't help but smile. So many cars nowadays also have Instagram or other social tags on them, so it's a great way to follow along with the build journeys and see the types of things they get up to. I've made a few friends that way as well when we go to the same cars and coffee. It's also a great way for young car enthusiasts to see everyday builds and the process that goes into them on social media.
Like others have said I encourage kids to check out my cars any time they want. When I was a kid, there was nothing cooler than getting to check out a cool vehicle up close and personal. My ratty CJ5 tends to attract lots of kid attention, and because it's ratty, I'm happy to let kids climb all over it. That always seems to be a highlight for them.
Loosely related: I don't recall where (possibly here), but I read an opinion about how the prevalence of enclosed car haulers has a negative effect on the next generation. I can recall as a kid drooling over race cars on open trailers while in the car with my folks. I still see plenty of open haulers, but just about anything higher end is enclosed (and I get why).
In reply to Motojunky :
I can see that about open car trailers. When you see one on the highway, you see it. A white box? Could be hauling landscaping equipment. (I do get the practical considerations for enclosed trailers, of course.)