So I'm trying the arrive-and-drive route at VIR on the 9th. I've never met the guy I'm driving with, I was recommended to the team by a friend (who won't be there).. What do you guys bring/do that makes for a successful A&D? Unfortunately, I'm flying down, so I can't bring my own tools/canopy/etc, but I can pick up some beer once I get down there...
A crisp white driving suit with your name on it... aviator sunglasses and a thick french accent ought to endear you to them immediately. If it doesn't - hand one of them your helmet bag and ask where the driver's lounge is.
Ask if they've cornerweighted the vehicle to your weight in the driver's seat and made the appropriate suspension adjustments
I make sure I'm available at all times to help with prep and fueling and timing, whatever needs done. I make sure to tell them that, as well. I usually bring some stuff but I also travel long distances so can't have a full shop on hand to help with things.
The whole point of arrive and drive is the car should be ready to go when you get there, but as mentioned offer to be helpful. I'd suggest bringing water or soda instead, but beer may be okay for after the day is over.
stuart in mn wrote:
The whole point of arrive and drive is the car should be ready to go when you get there, but as mentioned offer to be helpful.
Depends on the series.. I do a lot of Arrive and Drive in Lemons and let's just say the expectations are variable. Cost should vary with prep.
dculberson wrote:
I make sure I'm available at all times to help drink any alcohol sitting around the paddock at night.
dculberson is on the same LeMons team I am, and his original post is spot on. Also, follow whatever driving rules or requests the team owner has. Have the right attitude and have fun. Sadly, now that I've moved 800 miles from the home base area of my LeMons team, I'm mostly going to be an A&D too.
But I still want to do whatever I can to help the team when I'm at the track.
Yeah, I've moved bases from my home team, but A&Ding with them is different. I bring a full tool set and I'm first under the car when I get there..
So, basically, play it by ear. That's what I was planning, but I didn't know if there was a good "thank you for letting me pilot this $5000+ creation you spent blood sweat and tears on" tradition I should uphold, other than exchanging filthy lucre, of course.