For any of you folks in the North East, this weekend is the Ascutney hillclimb at Ascutney Mountain in Vermont (thankfully near Windsor Vt, home of Harpoon brewery).
It's a great time with a lot of great cars so come up and visit us!
Makes me want to build something. 
Going flat out up that mountain is blast. Whats better is that this is one of the longer courses for hill climbs, about 3 miles if I remember right. Most are a mile or so at best. More seat time!!
Also this weekend is the Weatherly hillclimb in Weatherly, PA if you are in that area instead.
Arf, this makes nine years since I've attended. Perhaps I'll get off my duff and put a car together for next year that'll at least make the drive, much less climb the course.
I went to the one at Mt. Equinox in Vermont, funny to see someone spanking an old Caddy with wooden wheels up a mountainside.
Bigger nads than me.