I was checking aerial photographs for a project in Asheboro, NC and noticed this.
Anybody know anything about a race track that used to be there.
Link isn't working so well. You have to zoom in to the NE of downtown Asheboro.
I don't think that's a track... there's a landscaping supply company on that road.
Yeah... google maps confirms it's not a racetrack.
I'm not sure how on earth you came up with that facility, but it definitely looks like a landscaping sales place on the site I'm talking about. The road on the property sure looks like an out of use road course to me. Checking via the www, I found a web site about an old harley dealer that built a motorcycle track in Asheboro on Gold Hill road. Don't know if that is it or not.
spitfirebill wrote:
I'm not sure how on earth you came up with that facility, but it definitely looks like a landscaping sales place on the site I'm talking about. The road on the property sure looks like an out of use road course to me. Checking via the www, I found a web site about an old harley dealer that built a motorcycle track in Asheboro on Gold Hill road. Don't know if that is it or not.
The internet is creepy like that. 
If you search the address of the company on that website on any map engine, it goes straight to that site.
There used to be an dirt oval track right in the middle of town here. If you know what you're looking for, you can still see it in the satellite shots in an empty lot. I can just imagine the uproar if someone tried that again.
3/12/09 6:01 p.m.
This is where NASCAR was born, we have all sorts of dirt ovals that are now subdivisions. And a lot of "Old Race Track Rd." and "Race Track Dr." street names here in NC. There's a road in Garner around here called "Track" something and it's still banked, half of a turn is all that is left.
I did a little searching of aerials, and this facility isn't very old. I notice houses are close by. I will be there soon on a job and may stop by.