6/2/16 5:33 p.m.
So my car was struck from behind last evening. Guy was going 20 or 25 and I was stopped. I was a little sore last night but woke up a train wreck which ended up with the urgent care doc calling an ambulance. You do not have to strike an object with your head to get a concussion. I learned that I had been knocked out for at least a few seconds with no visible trauma to my head . Symptoms were monster headache and nausea. Does not help that most other parts hurt too. They did give me a shot of something which is making me verrryyyysleepy. My advice. Do not crash automobiles. It hurts.
My wife agrees with you. She got broad sided at 45 mph two weeks ago and still has some spectacular bruising to show.
Hope everything turns out well for you.
Jeez. I hope both SPG and Toywife recover quickly.
Not the Saab!
. Above all else, I hope you recover well. Injuries suck.
Make sure they pay for everything and get a neuro scan. You don't need any haunting injuries. Hope you feel better soon.
Wow- another forum member in an accident?
I'm so glad you sought medical attention. And I hope you feel better soon!
Flashing center brake lights have stopped the rear ending madness for us. My SO is still recovering after 3 years.
That was not an accident it was a collision and it sucks you were the injured party. Fault can be assessed. Therefore not an accident. Take it easy and be careful. Concussions are nothing to mess with.
About 30 years ago I was riding my motorcycle to work and had a collision with a Cadillac. I got knocked out briefly, but otherwise only got a few scrapes. The rest of that day I wasn't feeling too bad, but boy for the next week or so I was walking like a 90 year old man.
I feel your pain... literally. Did that 2 Saturdays ago and I'm still dealing with the repercussions. Listen to the doctors and take it easy. Hope you feel better soon.
I was rearended and my dumbass self didnt go to the doctor for 8months. End up i had whip lash and still deal with the pain after 6months of physical therapy. All out of pocket cause i waited so long.
Hope you feel better soon man, cars can be replaced but our bodys cannot, glad you're trying to take care of your unlike i did
6/3/16 8:40 a.m.
KEEP GETTING CHECKUPS. My old boss was rearended in what didn't seem like too bad a collision. A week or two after that a cop found him unconscious in his idling car in the middle of the median. A week or two after that, he was dead.
So, seriously, get checked regularly for a while until everybody is sure you're OK. Good luck and good science to you.
yep. I got rear ended in a toll booth in NH. Imprinted live free or die in the bumper of my Audi. Ooof that sucked. I think it sucked worse than my race car 75mph-0mph impact to be honest, head and neck restraint deserves the credit there.
Get better.
Check your teeth really well. I had two get broken when I got in a head on collision and I'm pretty sure two others were cracked because they broke like 1 month later when eating.
Bonus photo!
6/4/16 8:26 a.m.
Day 3. Today is ache day. Swelling is down on my back and neck but up on my ankle. I absolutely will be doing follow up medical care.
Glad to see you're doing the follow up medical. If you don't like their results seek another doc. Document everything. Don't rely on pills. Don't try to work through it like I did. If you feel this may impact you down the road consult a lawyer.
I was rear ended by a SUV back in '07 while stopped in traffic, 25- 30 mph est. Broke the seat back and ended up almost in the back seat. ER did clear me, 800 mg Ibuprofin helped for a while but I ended up working through it, so I thought. Later found three damaged discs in my neck, lost considerable range of movement and feels like gravel in my neck every day since. Shortly later developed positional vertigo, working under a car had to wait for the floor to stop spinning before I could move, working on a scissor lift was stupid scary as it would come on w/o warning.
No lawyer would take this up because I had the limited tort option insurance and my medical bills didn't add up to anything significant for them to become involved. This case slipped through the cracks, I blamed myself for being ignorant of the law and trying to work through it on my own. Don't be that guy.
This will no doubt haunt me the rest of my life, hate to see what's it's like the next ten years.
6/4/16 3:37 p.m.
I am praying for healing for you guys. And am being very cautious!