Are there any magic numbers? The G35 has been handling pretty well but judging by this the alignment isn't exactly spot on.

I took some camber out of the rear when I went to the wider wheels and meant to send it to the shop for an alignment but forgot. That was a costly error.
So, what are some decent autocross specs?
depends on many many things. Is the top the inside? If so, I'd just dial out a little bit more camber, and set toe to zero.
What's the front like?
2-3 degrees negative camber on the front, O toe, as much caster as yiu can get.
In reply to ProDarwin :
Top on that picture is the inside of the passenger rear. The drivers rear doesn't have this wear pattern.
The front is wearing pretty evenly.
In general, for the cases of production cars where you can't do much, you'll want as much camber as you can get. You'll probably find that most cars can't get enough camber!
2/4/19 9:36 a.m.
I always start with a few degrees out on camber, tiny touch of front toe (less on worse surfaces), no rear toe, max caster, and just eyeballing tires for general settings. Once I get close I tune by temps and feel.
Form the looks, you have some small rear toe and not enough camber on that tire. /armchair
Be sure your suspension is tight. I have wasted an alignment on bad bushings, and it led to odd wear patterns i took way too long to diagnose.
New Reader
2/4/19 11:01 a.m.
Toyman01 said:
In reply to ProDarwin :
Top on that picture is the inside of the passenger rear. The drivers rear doesn't have this wear pattern.
The front is wearing pretty evenly.
Making sure both sides even would probably be a good starting point. Unless it's an open diff and you're constantly spinning up that tire, then the solution is suspension setup and/or driving style changes (...or adding a diff).