Make sure to have comfortable shoes to run in, bring a cooler and lunch if you like that over fast food, and bring a fold up chair, especially if you bring lunch with you. Make sure to clean out your car and remove floor mats if you have them, it's better to remove them the day before than at the event.
For the trans, IIRC, most Fords will start off from a stop in 2nd with the shifter in "2". Crown Vics are geared pretty tall, so I'd try keeping it in 1st and only let it upshift if you're running it into the rev limiter.
A little quick research says that even with the shortest gearing combo ever offered in a Crown Vic (which I doubt this one has), 5500 rpm in 1st will get you to 44-ish mph. If it's got the super-tall gearing most of the non-cop versions had, it'll do 55-ish at 5500 in 1st 
A roll of blue painters tape to put numbers on your car.
KyAllroad wrote:
A roll of blue painters tape to put numbers on your car.
NOT the cheap blue tape from harbor freight.
It will stick to the roll, and to you, but not the car. And what does stick WILL take off paint.
You won't need numbers or classes at the local events :)
Have fun, that's your #1 priority. Focus on staying on course your first few runs, then gradually try to ratchet the speed up. A successful first outing should show some pretty slow times overall, but steady improvement run to run. Try to be smooth and clean, rather than overly aggressive.
My motivation to come out this evening has waned. Maybe next week...
Tell us how your first event went!!
Results are up.
You didn't DNF every run, so that's a win in my books! Good show!!
Man, 23 drivers! Long course too.
But it looks like you did well, you didn't lose control and take out a cone wall and discounting number 2 you improved a second with each run.
Did you have fun and did you learn some things?
It was an awesome experience. I badly need to inflate my tires a bit over stock pressure, as the whitewalls were threatening to kiss the asphalt. Otherwise, I've learned several things, namely what it's like to wrestle a pig and how easy it is to get lost. Sadly, I don't have any pictures because of time and all that, but I can tell you for sure that I'll be out next week. SkinnyG, if you want to up the stakes, someone is planning on bringing out a Pontiac Parisienne next week, and the Jaguar XJ8 will be returning. I didn't take out any cones, but I came in a little hot on my last run and ended up passing through the timing lights with the rear tires struggling for traction
. Otherwise, amazing experience. I can say with certainty that I'll be out every week for the rest of the season.
The Road Sofa, an XJ8, and a Parisienne? May the Crusty Chevy complete "The Battle of The Behemoths!"
Every Week? God I wish I lived near you guys. I get once a month, twice if I want to drive 3 hours each way. Not even having one in July because of Nationals coming to the area.
7/1/16 3:26 p.m.
G_Body_Man wrote:
I badly need to inflate my tires a bit over stock pressure, as the whitewalls were threatening to kiss the asphalt.

I'm glad you had a good time. Staying on course and improving times all day are the marks of a successful autocross. 
Some window chalk paint on the corners from the edge of the tread to half way down the sidewall helps to visualize exactly where your rubbing and how much pressure you need. I like to put 4 marks per tire. Hope that makes sense, some like to go across the whole tread to figure out how much camber they need as well. Basically if the chalk rubs off the asphalt did it. Really helped me dial in the pressure on my old miata
Oh and more importantly im glad you had fun, autox is addicting and a blast. May you have more fun, go faster, and add junkyard parts to go even faster. Godspeed young padawan
G_Body_Man wrote:
It was an awesome experience. I badly need to inflate my tires a bit over stock pressure, as the whitewalls were threatening to kiss the asphalt...
The suggested tire pressures are to keep Grannies from feeling the bumps in the road. If you are running all seasons, start at max and reduce each run using chalk as a guide. Summer tires can probably be lower. Front and back can be different. My starting pressures are 30 for the back and 37 for the front. On all seasons I couldn't get below the max of 44 without bad roll over.
RevRico wrote:
Every Week? God I wish I lived near you guys. I get once a month, twice if I want to drive 3 hours each way. Not even having one in July because of Nationals coming to the area.
No kidding. I feel bad about bragging during the winter. The nearest site is done for the season. Too hot. I'm going to have to drive a bit if I want to keep running.
"Too Hot."
Pfft! No such thing, I'd giggle like a school girl drinking Jaegermeister if I could have a few AX events on near molten asphalt. R7s and a 2000 lb car, I can't ever overheat my tires.
In reply to KyAllroad:
You havent been to south lousianna in the summer have you?