So, inspired by the son, made it out to the autocross today.
Lot's of excitement, almost got run over by one of those little formula autocross cars, got scared by a P71 getting sideways and looking like it might head my direction, got in the way of a Fiesta ST after setting a cone up, near got in the way of a NC Miata - just an odd location for the work station, cones were far away on some, and I'm old.
From the other thread, was NOT the Miata that I took today, it was the Mk3 Focus. I did ok, probably better than usual (what's that old saying, slow down to go fast? It works...). As usual, the son cleaned my clock, but his little Focus sedan is set up pretty good. Yeah, that's the reason he beat me (not... he's faster, even in my own car...).
The new Miata? On bimmerforums, there used to be a guy who called his e21 "The King of Lean". A car that is several generations newer, the new Miata, has now claimed that title. Around any given corner, that sucker looked like a 4x4! His door handles were hitting the pavement, he'll have to sand and paint them. Having said that, the car was quick around the cones.
I really need to make more autocrosses. So much fun.