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mad_machine GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
6/13/13 11:17 p.m.
alfadriver wrote: The other passers that bug me- the ones that cut right in front of you so now you are tailgating them. I want space, for crying out loud.

There is another obnoxious entry to this. I cannot tell you how many times I have been happily cruising down the road at the speedlimit or even a few mph above when a cop hoves into the view and the guy in front stands on the brakes to get to 10 below the limit. It makes me look like I am the one being the idiot and tailgating

Boost_Crazy New Reader
6/14/13 12:05 a.m.

I hate people who are rolling road blocks when they are in front of you, then speed up when you go to pass.

Appleseed UltimaDork
6/14/13 1:43 a.m.

4 way stops. Everyone is retarded. Hesitate one second when you actually have the right-of-way, and I'm gone. I'm too old for these berkeleying games.

logdog GRM+ Memberand Dork
6/14/13 4:36 a.m.

When the power is out at an intersection and the signal is inop, people just don't know what to do. Or they do know, but don't care.

ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/14/13 5:56 a.m.
Appleseed wrote: 4 way stops. Everyone is retarded. Hesitate one second when yoi actually have the right-of-way, and I'm gone. I'm too old for these berkeleying games.

You read my mind right there!

Please tell my wife that! Take charge and take your turn properly or lose your turn!

jstand Reader
6/14/13 6:59 a.m.

Construction season brings a few to mind:

Even though there are signs about lane closure for a mile, people insist in driving I that lane until it ends and then cut someone off to merge rather than than the rest of us who thought ahead and moved over ahead of time.

Courteous people. Not the kind the stop for pedestrians in the crosswalk, but the one that don't follow traffic rules because they think they think they are been courteous. The type that stop and wave for you to pull out o the side street rather than just making their turn into the street. It messes up the flow of traffic and can cause accidents since people aren't behaving in the way that is expected if the rules of the road and right of way are observed.

Being courteous to the guy in pulling out of the side street is being discourteous to everyone behind you that had to stop for you to let him out rather than turning and letting traffic continue to flow.

slowride Reader
6/14/13 7:14 a.m.

In reply to jstand: In Colorado they actually have signs that say "use both lanes up to merge" or something like that.

jmthunderbirdturbo Reader
6/14/13 7:33 a.m.

I know this isnt the most popular opinion, but here it is:

Automotive pet peeve? Motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are whats wrong with motorcycles. Every damn one of them with VERY little exception. If you happen to be one of the few who have never done ANY of the things i am about to bitch about, then good for you, you still suck. I hate bikers in every way you can imagine, for every reason you can think of. The best way to organize it is to use the stupid slogans all you bikers keep trying to get me to stick to my car...

  • lets start with "loud pipes save lives". berkeley you, no they don't. Situational awareness saves lives, loud pipes piss me off. Never mind the blatant double standard of the exhaust itself, because if i cant open the dumps on my drag car and cruise through the middle of old town Scottsdale at 7500 rpm at 2 O' Clock in the berkeleying morning, NEITHER CAN YOU! You want to be seen? Try not weaving through stopped traffic like a berkeleying slalom and maybe wear a color other than BLACK! One day im going to see a biker do this to me when im stuck in traffic and i swear to GOD im opening my door...

  • next up: "start seeing motorcycles". I drive a 4500 lb SUV with 35 inch tires and a steel bumper with a winch. You drive a overgrown Schwinn with a two stroke and one inch wide brake pads. WHO SHOULD START SEEING WHO?

  • my personal favorite: "motorcycles are everywhere". Yes they are. Parked on berkeleying sidewalks, under pedestrian storm shelters, in front of stores and businesses under overhangs, under bus stops and other covered pathways, in no parking zones of every shape, size, color, location, and designation, and everywhere else i cant think of that's NOT designated for road going vehicles. Care to guess what happens if i park my Dodge there? Exactly. berkeley you all. I don't give a crap about your excuses or your reasons. Just cause some moron biker got caught in a storm does NOT give him the right to hide under the first solid surface he comes across. Nor does it give him the right to block the berkeleying gas pumps with 35 of his retard friends who also can't read a berkeleying weather report. MOVE YOUR ASS!!!! And along this same line of thought, this also goes for every asshat cop on a bike who hides under a bus stop or behind a phone booth to run radar. IF I CANT PARK THERE LEGALLY, NEITHER CAN YOU!

as far as im concerned, bikers dont even belong on the same roadway. they ought to have their own infrastructure separate from cars completely, much the same way automobiles shouldn't cruise on the tracks with 4000 ton trains. Then there would be crossings, just like for trains, and it would be obvious who has the right of way. (hint: for train/car crossings, its not the car...)

Just last week im at a car show. Its later, almost award time, the announcer is at the podium with the mic in his hand calling out raffle ticket numbers, and in comes 3 or 4 loud ass Harley style bikers, revving the piss out of the engines and speeding. There's kids everywhere, mine included, and these ass-clowns are showing off. Their BIKES...at CAR show. berkeleying GO AWAY! We finally had to have the owner of the parking lot ask them to leave after they refused some one else's polite request to move along. (It wasn't me, I wouldn't have been remotely Polite). These berkeleyers act like its their right to go and drive wherever they berkeleying want to because they are on a bike. NO, sorry, but given the choice id outlaw anything with a federal crash test rating of less than 3 stars in ANY category, including rollover and head on collision.


again, im sure that aint popular, but the hell with it, im entitled to my opinion.


jmthunderbirdturbo Reader
6/14/13 7:38 a.m.



ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/14/13 7:44 a.m.

In reply to jmthunderbirdturbo:

We should be friends. That is all.

jmthunderbirdturbo Reader
6/14/13 7:45 a.m.
Vigo wrote:
Gotta agree with that. How about the ones who say "I WONT TAKE A PENNY LESS THAN DOUBLE WHAT SCRAP VALUE IS OR IM SELLING IT TO SCRAP".
People who tailgate motorcyclists
Defensive driving dictates motorcyclist speed up or get the berkeley out of the way. If they get tired of being paranoid they can always drive a car. Actually, i'll just go ahead and add "half the motorcyclists ive ever seen" to my list of peeves. The whole idea that the sentence "people who tailgate" needs the word "motorcyclists" on the end is just more evidence to me that motorcyclists expect their CHOICE to ride a ridiculously unsafe machine somehow REQUIRES everyone else to give them extra deference.

I should have just read that post...he said it better in a few sentences that i said it in an essay.

i enjoyed the rant though...


wae Reader
6/14/13 7:53 a.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote: I know this isnt the most popular opinion, but here it is: Automotive pet peeve? Motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are whats wrong with motorcycles. Every damn one of them with VERY little exception. If you happen to be one of the few who have never done ANY of the things i am about to bitch about, then good for you, you still suck. I hate bikers in every way you can imagine, for every reason you can think of. The best way to organize it is to use the stupid slogans all you bikers keep trying to get me to stick to my car...

Allow me to be the first to formally apologize to you, sir, for my terrible thoughtlessness in operating my vehicle on your personal roadway.

ebonyandivory HalfDork
6/14/13 7:53 a.m.

I have three young children, last summer there was one Harley in particular (i memorized his sound and shift points when he's coming up the street) that would downshift and go wide-open in front of my house every week night at roughly the same time waking up my three babies every time. I was able to get out into the street one day (still light at almost 9pm) as he was coming. I stood there in cutoff sweats barefoot and shirtless with both middle fingers up and yelled BERKELEY YOU not three feet from his face. (Only because I knew that throwing a 5' length of 5/8 chain at him was not the right thing to do.)

Honest to GOD, I never saw him again.

dinger Reader
6/14/13 7:55 a.m.

I had to get on the interstate yesterday, at 5 o'clock, and wound up behind some dipE36 M3 that decided 40mph is a perfectly acceptable speed to be doing at the bottom of the on ramp. The on ramp that feeds into a 60mph freeway. Since it was rush hour, both lanes were full, but still at regular speed, and he appears to not be concerned with the 25mph speed differential between us and traffic. I should probably give him a break I guess, I mean he looked like he had a good conversation going on with his cell phone glued to his ear, and I'm sure that he got back to driving when he was done with his important conversation.

jmthunderbirdturbo Reader
6/14/13 8:14 a.m.

In reply to wae:

don't apologize, just don't complain when you get in a one on one with a expedition and lose.

Oh, and another little peeve, un-idiot biker related. People who berate other people who buy their children F-350s and 3500 dodges. yes, it is likely that that child will wreck that huge truck. and yes, someone may get hurt. But guess what, it wont be the one in the giant truck. If the roles were reversed, and YOUR kid was in a miata when it went under a lifted chevy, I'll bet you'll wish he/she was driving something more substantial. I agree thats its a personal preference, and you have the right to your choice of vehicle for your kid, but just know in advance that my two kids will be in street legal tanks.


wbjones PowerDork
6/14/13 8:32 a.m.
wae wrote:
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote: I know this isnt the most popular opinion, but here it is: Automotive pet peeve? Motorcyclists. Motorcyclists are whats wrong with motorcycles. Every damn one of them with VERY little exception. If you happen to be one of the few who have never done ANY of the things i am about to bitch about, then good for you, you still suck. I hate bikers in every way you can imagine, for every reason you can think of. The best way to organize it is to use the stupid slogans all you bikers keep trying to get me to stick to my car...
Allow me to be the first to formally apologize to you, sir, for my terrible thoughtlessness in operating my vehicle on your personal roadway.

I figured it wouldn't take long for this type of response to hit the forum ... even though I rode for yrs, I feel pretty much the same way he does now,

you may be a very safe and courteous bike rider ... but the rant is brought on by "most" bikers (and I was just as bad when I was riding)

i.e. loud pipes and shiny happy person riding style ... yeah he goes a bit far with the separate road thing ...

jmthunderbirdturbo Reader
6/14/13 8:42 a.m.

In reply to wbjones:

Do you think i really go too far? I mean consider the separation we already exercise in our commute: Bus lanes, Bicycle lanes, Car pool lanes, side walks, fast and slow lanes, is a motorcycle only lane really that out there? Id be double in favor of it if the motorcycle lanes were all in Timbuktu...


wbjones PowerDork
6/14/13 8:46 a.m.

yeah I do think you go a bit far .... but I totally understand

Appleseed UltimaDork
6/14/13 9:49 a.m.

All I can say is, despite the "Start Seeing Motorcycles" irony on a 4 ton behemoth, the sticker did it's job. You're remembering it.

ProDarwin SuperDork
6/14/13 9:58 a.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote: given the choice id outlaw anything with a federal crash test rating of less than 3 stars in ANY category, including rollover and head on collision.

Would you also complain when new cars get super heavy and impossible to see out of?

jmthunderbirdturbo wrote: Oh, and another little peeve, un-idiot biker related. People who berate other people who buy their children F-350s and 3500 dodges. yes, it is likely that that child will wreck that huge truck. and yes, someone may get hurt. But guess what, it wont be the one in the giant truck. If the roles were reversed, and YOUR kid was in a miata when it went under a lifted chevy, I'll bet you'll wish he/she was driving something more substantial. I agree thats its a personal preference, and you have the right to your choice of vehicle for your kid, but just know in advance that my two kids will be in street legal tanks.

Sometimes I feel like vehicle registration/taxes/etc. should be based on the curb weight of the vehicle (damage the vehicle can do to another). Actually, I think there should be tiered licenses where it requires extensive training and expense to get into anything the size of a full size pickup.

What "street legal tanks" will you be putting your kids in?

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/14/13 11:11 a.m.
ProDarwin wrote: Sometimes I feel like vehicle registration/taxes/etc. should be based on the curb weight of the vehicle

In PA this is more or less the case. Car registration is $36/yr. Light trucks start at $58.50/yr up to 5K lbs and increase from there. My Dodge 2500 Cummins (8800 lb GVWR) cost $153/yr. Commercial trucks can run deep into 4-figures - over $1660/yr for 80K lbs.

There are some loopholes in the system. My full-size Ford conversion van was actually titled as a 'station wagon' and therefore only cost $36/yr. While $20 isn't going to kill me, every little bit helps when calculating cost/mile on a infrequently used vehicle. That $153 bill every year stung a bit considering how rarely I drove the Dodge.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/14/13 11:52 a.m.
dinger wrote: I had to get on the interstate yesterday, at 5 o'clock, and wound up behind some dipE36 M3 that decided 40mph is a perfectly acceptable speed to be doing at the bottom of the on ramp. The on ramp that feeds into a 60mph freeway. Since it was rush hour, both lanes were full, but still at regular speed, and he appears to not be concerned with the 25mph speed differential between us and traffic.

I had this happen to me yesterday. The problem was, the person in front of me did the "dueling slow-down" bit (also known as "you go / no, you go".

Meanwhile, there's a loaded gravel truck barreling down on me from behind. One lane of traffic due to construction.

The "person" in front of me STOPPED.

Because you're reading this, you can infer that the gravel truck stopped in time, too.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/14/13 11:55 a.m.
ProDarwin wrote: Would you also complain when new cars get super heavy and impossible to see out of?

They already are, which is why everything has to have backup cameras by regulation. Can't see anything behind you when you're waddling your car's fat ass backwards.

Knurled GRM+ Memberand UltraDork
6/14/13 11:56 a.m.
jmthunderbirdturbo wrote: In reply to wae: don't apologize, just don't complain when you get in a one on one with a expedition and lose. Oh, and another little peeve, un-idiot biker related. People who berate other people who buy their children F-350s and 3500 dodges. yes, it is likely that that child will wreck that huge truck. and yes, someone may get hurt. But guess what, it wont be the one in the giant truck.

And that's why driving a huge vehicle is immoral. Especially if the driver is someone who can be expected to wreck a few times. Why learn to drive when you can just kill the other guy?

Ian F
Ian F PowerDork
6/14/13 12:11 p.m.
Knurled wrote: The "person" in front of me STOPPED. Because you're reading this, you can infer that the gravel truck stopped in time, too.

Providing there is phisically enough room, I won't hesitate to pass somebody on the right who does that. I generally try to merge into traffic at a higher speed than the flow of traffic, going on the theory a car can slow down to match traffic speed much faster than it can speed up. Scares the crap out of my passengers sometimes.

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