So I finally got the car to the house today. It runs pretty decent when its cold and after it runs for a while it starts to kind of bog down. The car has a CEL on ans i read the code which came back as #'s 3 & 41 (MAP Sensor & Primary 02 Sensor Heater). I'm 100% positive that these are whats causing the car to run so-so and no Vtec engagement. Can anyone confirm which plug should be plugged into which connector for the MAP Sensors? There are 2 on my '92 DX. I'll do some research on my own, but figured that someone may have a pic of what color wires go to the MAP on the TB and the one on the firewall. I'll post what I find in the morning.
Have you tried posting this to honda-tech? You might get a quicker response.
I fixed the o2 Heater so now i just have the MAP Sensor code 3. Yes I posted to Honda-tech, but haven't had any replies yet.
What ECU are you running on this thing? Is it chipped or anything?
(Virgin) p28. I didn't see any soldered in chips looks OE inside.
dansxr2 wrote:
(Virgin) p28. I didn't see any soldered in chips looks OE inside.
Ewww... I'm not 100% sure you'll even be able to get the MAP sensor code to go away on an unchipped P28. I could definitely be wrong, but considering that the P28 wasn't meant to run this frankenstein motor that requires MORE airflow than what the P28 was on... i'm sure you can see the issues.
That sucker needs to be chipped. Regardless of whether or not the code can go away without the chipping, you're missing out on some MAJOR power and health running that thing with a stock ECU.
Unless i'm missing something, the USDM P28 was used in the EG Civic EX/Si, with a D16Z6. I'm sure you can see the problem here. 
It's gotta be chipped. If you want to come closer without modifying an ECU, you'll want an ECU out of an OBD1 GSR.
On a slightly related note, do you know what injectors are on this thing?
I agree. I have heard good things about Hondata. The S100 units are $195
recommendations for a chipping service or anyone have a chipped ECu to swap + cash?
I'd look around locally and see if there's anyone in your area that has any experience with tuning on Crome.
Go to and fart around for awhile.
You have the right ECU to chip, and it'll run you about $40. If you can work a soldering iron, you can do it yourself in a matter of an hour or two. It's really simple. There's also tons of base maps out there for the B20 Vtec setup that you'd be able to download and flash on your new EPROM. It's a really common hybrid motor, and last time i looked, there were literally dozens of good tunes shared.
For a simple setup like this car is, i wouldn't bother with Hondata. Chip it yourself. Use Crome. Download map. Profit. 
Crome is easy to use yourself, too. If you have decent knowledge of how maps work, you could easily tweak this thing for whatever you'd like. Gas mileage, power, torque, high end neck breakage, whatever.