You guys get pretty excited about this. Nearly everyone here who's actually been to a Lemons event loves it. Note that, it's unlike anything you've ever done. Murilee takes awesome pictures, and we are all drooling idiots when it comes to race cars, so they all look "good". Trust me. There are very few machines out there that could even come close to a DD, or any acceptable race car. Most teams have rust spots with bondo, holes, huge creases or dents. Point is, they are not crushing restorable gold out there. Go fight Cash for Clunkers if you think that's what's going on.
For you "SCCA drivers get crushed" types, there is no way, from what I have seen, that driving ability affects the curse voting. Our team votes on these principles:
Do we know them to be cool guys?
Did they drive like total idiots, or Jeff Gordon on the last lap of whichever race that was for the winston million?
Did they piss us off?
Frankly, the standing (number of laps) has never influenced us, although we did look at it before voting.
We vote primarily for jackassery. We won the index once, which rocked, and the heroic fix once, which rocked slightly less, because we went out there and had a great time. We shared food, we shared beer, we showed movies, we helped fix cars, we lent tools. Heck, I even got a no whining penalty which got me taped to three other people, including another team driver (the flaming BMW from the last SC race). We all had smiles on our faces as we walked the paddock in the heat (me with no shoes). My wife doesn't get it. She doesn't come. Please feel free to follow suit.
We also brought a 1966 Volvo Amazon. This helps. No offense, but bringing a perfect race car starting point (rx7, Miata, E30) nudges you closer to the curse. The event isn't about scouring the classifieds to find that C4 corvette that just barely passes under the limit if you sell this and that and weld in whatever. It's about "hey, I have this old Citation..."
It's about "road racing sounds fun, but it's so much money!"
It's about "This road racing stuff is fun, but I hate spending 8,765,777 hours on my Miata to get that extra .003 seconds at blah blah track"
It's fun. Plain and simple. It's about going out there and being ridiculous, and having a ridiculous amount of fun.
Truly, as someone said, there are literally hundreds of entries at each event. At the end of the day, nobody cares that you object. There are plenty of us, no need to ruin the party crying over a wrecked miata. Golly, they only made 7 bazillion of the things, in that color, that year, and that this one had been previously wrapped around a tree and used as a snowplow.
The crux here avoids all of the opinion though, and transcends the arguments, poop, jensan and buzz and a few others here have echoed it. They signed up. They saw the no whining rule like fifty times. Jay beats it into your head a few dozen more at the drivers meetings. They knew about the curse (obviously). Had they been that concerned, they should have changed something. I don't know what it was, I wasn't there. It may be the car was a crazy cheater, it may be the drivers were driving people into the grass, it may be that they stayed in the RV for the whole weekend. I don't care. If that many teams voted, it wasn't for something stupid. I am sure that they all didn't drive THAT much better than EVERY OTHER TEAM. Come on, get real.
Those guys are sore losers. They should never be allowed back at any Lemons event.
Tunachucker Volvo