The MSD pump on the Jensenator has decided to start screaming and dropping pressure when hot, so I'm gonna replace it with a Walbro. I am using 3/8" metal lines from the inlet filter (a big Fram spin off dealie) and also tho the front of the car where it goes through a secondary filter that protects the injectors. The Walbro pump has 10mm straight thread, I cannot for the life of me find a 10mm to 3/8 (or 9.5mm) beaded fitting, only a 10mm thread to 8mm (or 5/16) beaded or those multi barb adapters which don't play well with good quality lined fuel hose. I wound up ordering some 10mm to 7/16 multi barbs which I should be able to turn into a beaded fitting with some sweat and cursing, but I'd really like to find some pre made versions. Anybody got any sources?
is a beaded fitting BTW. It has to have a straight 10mm thread that uses a crush washer, all I can find is tapered NPT.