When I think of Chinese turbochargers ebay crap comes to mind. Does anyone have any experience with these? I figure if begi is selling it there must be some quality to the product. I can't quite swing for one of their garrett systems but these are $600-700 cheaper and if these chinese units use standard flanges a garrett can be bolted up later. Would you save up for longer or just go for the chinese unit?
One way to find out....I wouldn't test it in a crowd though 
8/18/09 9:20 a.m.
Another option that I'm doing. Buy a used Garrett SR20 T25 (got mine for $50 off CL) and get an Begi S kit without the turbo, or to save even more money get a starter kit from Begi or FM and roll your own. The T25 is outline interchangable with the GT2560 and GT2860RS that the higher end kits come with so the big power is just a turbo purchase away.
Lots of talk on miata.net in the turbocharging section about these.
I would NOT visit miataturbo.net. Full of jackholes there. They hate new guys too. Don't even bother.
btw - I'm selling a Greddy kit on the $2009 classifieds.
You guys with your little turbos...