My XC90 has a radio with around half of the buttons working. Used are all the same, I had this one professionally resoldered, exchange ones are a kilobuck or more. I can buy a faceplate, rewire the speakers or find a 2ohm compatible stereo (dual speakers per door, wired parallel), cut the faceplate off the stereo and plug it in behind the dash so the bus is happy, and generally solve all problems but one: The antenna is in the roof, and it feeds to the radio by fiber optic cable...of course, cause we all know that copper never worked. I can't find any info on any sort of interface to go from the antenna to a DIN radio, so it seems the options all have to do with an aftermarket antenna of some sort. I see stick on ones and regular old iron masts. I don't want to drill a hole in the fender for an iron one.
Help? advice? Pull out in front of a bus and let insurance deal with it?