Firstly, an embarrassing admission. Despite playing around with and modify cars for coming up close to 15 years, this is my first real foray into setting up a stand alone ems.
I'll be using an ems stinger ecu for my turbo Mazda b2600, and I'm going through the process of working out what sensors I'll be using. The stinger seems to be able to interface pretty well with factory sensors and I'm tempted to just run the g6's hall effect cas as opposed to trying to "reinvent the wheel" so to speak
The hall effect from the g6 looks identical to the one from the miata. Ideally I'd like to be able to set up for sequential injection but not sure that the existing hall effect will be accurate enough.
My other train of thought is whether or not the miata optical type cas is the same size and if so, maybe do a conversion to that if its going to be of benefit.. Reason being is that there are aftermarket discs for the optical type sensor may provide more accurate input?
Will either or both of these options get me where I want? Or will I need to consider an option c?
Also, can someone with a miata with an optical cas measure the diameter of their dizzy cap to give me an idea as to whether or not its the right size.