My dearly departed '78 Datsun 620 King Cab.
Bought it from a scrapper in the nineties, he couldn't get it to run right, and was literally hours away from junking it.
It was bright Yellow with black trim, came from California, so it had barely any rust, and I got it for $500.
I found that the L20b engine had what I thought was a bent or sticking valve. I pulled the head and found a couple of valve seats were falling out of the head.
A local machinist was very familiar with this problem, and had it fixed better than new for a reasonable price.
Next, it ran on all 4 cyls, but I couldn't get timing right no matter how I clocked the distributor. Some careful inspection found the reluctor installed upside down: free fix aside from a couple hours of my time. It now ran almost good once warmed up.
The previous owner had butchered all the vacuum operated emissions stuff trying to fix what turned out to be bad valve seats, including the unobtainable California only carburetor.
Wouldn't you know that a Weber downdraft was cheaper than a 49 state OEM carb from any reputable rebuilder . 
Along with the new Weber went the homemade , unfinished, very sketchy, long tube header that came with the truck when I bought it. The manifold flange looked like it had been cut by hand with a hacksaw and an angle grinder, and the collector was obviously salvaged from something else and held on with pop rivets. I had to clean up the manifold flange a lot to make it fit, and I had to tweek the collector angle to make it clear some stuff. Once it was in place I made a quick and dirty side dump exhaust with the cheapest super turbo type muffler I could make fit.
It was a glorious truck after that! Thanks to the yellow with black paint & trim with loud buzzing exhaust it earned the name Rumble Bumble.
I carried everything everywhere and never complained. It was an absolute Hoon Mobile when empty. It wanted to find trouble/fun.
Once all the initial problems were sorted out, the only trouble it ever gave me afterwards was a broken u-joint, and the clutch went from old age. Both were easily fixed in the driveway.
Sadly the tin worm cought up to it pretty quickly living in PA. I got about 6 years out of it before cab mounts gave way. The bed seams were all coming apart too, as were the passenger side door hinge mounts. It was sad to see it go, all the main mechanical parts were still in very good condition.