Keeping minds out of the gutter now, I need to run some wires through a rubber grommet that has one wire already through it.
The section is about 1/2” thick and is out of the car but has the existing wire already through it. I need to run about 5 more.
Best way??? Drill bits in the past have just chewed rubber up and grabbed the piece so I fear damaging the wire.
In reply to jfryjfry :
Hot chunk of metal and melt a hole, razor blade.
could you use a clicktop pen body? Put the wires inside of it or tape them to it, and shove it through. Should be a smooth hole.
If there is already one wire going through, can't you just shove the new wires through along side?
5/8/19 10:50 a.m.
Sounds like a tool buying opportunity to me.
Punch set

Ah new tools!!! Awesome.
I could probably open the hole up but it has to be opened up so much that I’m afraid id tear it.
I’ll try the hot rod first and get the punches anyway.
Also, mods - can you correct my failed auto correct in the title?? Should be rubber.....
If you use heat, only open it half as much as you think you need. Heat will damage the surrounding area and make it crumble, thus opening it more than you'd expect.
5/8/19 1:57 p.m.
You can make your own punch out of any piece of scrap metal tube using a belt sander or grinding wheel to put an edge on the opening. Works for square holes also.
In reply to NOHOME :
Or a piece of barstock. Drill the desired hole size in the end and grind the outside to a sharp edge.
If you start with a piece of spring (coil or leaf) you can heat treat it pretty easy with a torch and waste oil and get a lot of use out of it.