This is sure to make an impression on the homeowners association! Spied on Athens Ga Craigslist this morning is this gem. A 1983 AMC Eagle 4x4 wagon.
Whats wierd is that I am now seeing a Honda Crosstour in its lines.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
6/25/11 12:22 p.m.
Our own Joe Gearin has one of those--a rare stickshift too.
I rallied one! One of my old roommates swapped a 4.0HO from a Cherokee into his. These are great, great cars.
I've looked at a few over the years, but to get one in good enough shape, I'd have to travel. That doesn't rule them out, just makes it more difficult.
They were horrible, miserable cars. No feel steering, wallowed around corners, abysmal mileage. After trying it, nobody wanted to drive it. We were glad when it went away.
The 4.0 swap probably helped your roommate like his.
I don't think they're so miserable or horrible. It's a lot like a Jeep, but with more usable space inside.
Here's a link to the page for Joe's Eagle wagon.
But they were being marketed as a car, as competition against other cars, but had a bit of a jeep's abilities. Wasn't marketed as a jeep alternative, not even as a "civilized" wagoneer, but a car with 4wd. In it's time, when it was sold, we disliked it, I disliked it. It only made sense for those where they really, really needed 4wd--and with no turbo option, usage in power-sucking altitude (like Vail), must have been a "well, it works" situation. It remains solidly burned in my brain as awful.
I wonder how they would work as a rough and tough off roader?
Really different. Seemingly useful.Woodgrain.Sure to offend those who strive to be cool. And all for the price of a set of snow tires. 1 vote for all good.
triumph5 wrote:
But they were being marketed as a car, as competition against other cars, but had a bit of a jeep's abilities. Wasn't marketed as a jeep alternative, not even as a "civilized" wagoneer, but a car with 4wd.
I don't give a rat's ass what it was marketed as. I do care about what it is.
They were popular around here back in the day especially in the mountains. I had an '87 wagon complete w/ woodgrain. Never thought it would be but it was one of the best cars I ever owned. Good DD w/ semi-utility, great in the snow. It didn't set any speed records but that's not it's purpose. I have fuel mileage records somewhere I can dig up but it wasn't that bad.

Reminded me of this. From YEARS ago! Like 99, 2K....
6/26/11 9:38 a.m.
Some folks are missing the point here. It's a car that was designed for a slice of the market that needs 4WD but doesn't want/need a truck. They have great utility (some with a hatchback), good ground clearance for some actual off-roading and were very reliable. IIRC, you had to stay on top of the front suspension/steering system but they would just run and run. Now, by todays standards they are abysmal yes, but so is everything else built in the late 70's or early 80's. Go drive a 82 Subaru and you will be similarly shocked and dismayed.
someday, i'm gonna get one of those for a winter beater. there are a few of them parked behind garages around here, but i can't remember the last time i saw one on the road.
I still think the steering feel in my late 70s fiat is good.. but engine power leaves a LOT to be desired.
then again.. the late 70s to the early 90s is the reason that GM almost died
My '87 wagon got 18-19 mpg mostly highway commuting. 16 was low, interstate trips over 20. Put over 60K on it, made the fatal mistake of changing trans fluid at 120K, never do that again. Watch the ball joints.
I knew a guy in college that had one (in 1991). I drive it one time (he had to go to court to get his license back; I drove him to court)... I remember it being sort of wallowy but I doubt it was well maintained. I do know that he didn't get stuck, and we had plenty of snow (Eau Claire, WI).