Anyone else catch this? Currently up in DC and was out with my brother and a friend of his at a local eatery and drinkery and saw this on the television, was quite intrigued but the Queen LeBron Drama took precedence over anythign else in sports so the channel got changed. I would love to watch this in full, just gotta find it somewhere, looked like lots of good Le Mans coverage, lots of stuff from WWII, etc. Looked real interesting.
We have a TV at work set to CNBC and I know what show you're talking about. It's called "Biography on CNBC" and focuses on Porsche's business aspects. I couldn't pay much attention to it when it was on because a) I was working and b) it's muted. They also had episodes on Ford, Ferrari, and H-D:
I watched the entire episode. Lots of info on Porsche's
life and business thinking. He REALLY wanted his own company; it also goes into his family life. Really well done overlook of his life. Catch it when CNBS reruns it.
Stuck in a hotel room last night, and couldn't stand what was on. Surfed and found the show....It was great.
CNBC reruns these things often, makes my wife's eyes roll.
I think HD theater was re-running that same show also. I have had it on the DVR since March...
I seem to remember he designed a turret for the KingTiger tank, but it got rejected for another design - although some examples might have made into combat.
7/9/10 2:40 p.m.
wheels777 wrote:
Stuck in a hotel room last night, and couldn't stand what was on. Surfed and found the show....It was great.
Same deal here...only stuck in Cleveland...was able to watch most of it.
well when i get home im going to have to set my DVR to record these things. I guess it's a good thing I'm single now so I can watch things like this without getting yelled out or told I'm boring.