It started well when we uneventfully brought home the 88 Saab 900 SPG from its home near the Tail of the Dragon. But since I started doing all nighters and thrashed to get it ready for Caffeine and Octance it has been one thing after another. Yes the car broke on the way home from the show. The old F250 developed a mystery misfire malady during the rescue. Chug. My DD has a new super squeak wayyy behind the dash and the damn phone that I need for work ceased function mid day. It took the Honda mower refusing to fire this evening for me to call a time out to trying so hard. Going to take the cold beverage and couch approach until the unfix gremlins finish their business.
Dude I'm with you. My daily miata is cutting out and dying when throttle is applied at random, the BMW E34 has a dead TPS sensor that I just discovered that would cause the AT to go into limp mode and is idling all over the place, and our Patriot has bald tires in front due to the lack of adjustable camber in front. Oh, and the Spitfire runs fine, but is currently on jack stands awaiting new u-joints. I've got 4 cars and none are really ok to drive. All this has happened in the last 5 days.
Cheers (clank!!). Gotta deal with one prob at a time and cool down the wifey.
Been there. In one week I broke a BMW shifter, flat tire in my Ford (no spare), and blew a head gasket in my truck
8/5/14 7:52 a.m.
Oh, man. This has been my life lately. It has seriously made me question my own sanity, owning all of these derelict E36 M3boxes.
+1 for stellar thread title. 
I've had those weeks, as well. You're taking the right approach, take a deep breath, and then attack things individually once you've cleared your head.
It always sucks when everything breaks at once. Makes you question the wisdom of our hobby. But it'll get better and you'll be making more bad decisions again in no time! Good luck.
don't feel bad.
the week i went to get everything out for spring:
Impala had cracked head(s) over winter
chevelle spit driveshaft out into ditch
belair has dead fuel pump and my mom knocked a headlight off
trans in wife's daily buick barfed
trans in my daily avalanche barfed
engine in my backup truck finally gave up and quit starting.
I had to eat $1700 in avalanche transmission and run out and buy a backup beater for my wife until we could stomach another 2 grand in buick transmission. impala still broken, belair still not out of storage. fixed chevelle with new driveshaft, then it ate the cam lobe that drives the fuel pump.
then a couple weeks later freaking biblical rains hit and the river swallowed my dad's suburban, my mom's blazer, my 68 c20 pickup, my car trailer, my cargo trailer, and several grand in transmissions and engines that were on pallets in my dad's garage.
so we know all about E36 M3 being broken all at once.
I had both of my cars break down on the same day once.