I have been toying with buying a new 6 speed M3 but I also thought about buying one with the M-DCT 7-Speed Transmission cause in the long run I feel that will be the more desirable option.
But here's my quandry, when the time comes I have no problem with changing the clutch in the regular 6 speed, but what about the clutch in the new M-DCT 7-Speed Transmission?
Has anyone seen a clutch (pack?) in one of these new fangled transmissions? Is it just 2 smaller clutches or does it take a rocket scientist to change one?
And do they last as long as the regular clutch?
They drive sweet and I know the car is faster with the newer tranny. It doesn't feel like an automatic and it doesn't quite feel like a manual. They have a great set of controls to allow you to change settings quickly and easily to whatever makes you happy.
I thought the new tranny would give my wife an automatic feel, but she says if she's buying a car like that she wants a 6 speed. (ya gotta love her) I can probably sell her on the M-DCT 7-Speed Transmission, but if it's a much bigger can of worms then I want to just let her have what she wants.