HappyAndy wrote:
Feedyurhed wrote:
It's not just BMW dealers, it's nearly all of them!
I would love the day to come when you can just order on line direct from the manufacturer. I would rather do anything than buy a new car!
Isn't that exactly what Tesla Motors is doing?
It's illegal to buy a new car from anybody but a dealer in the state of CA. That includes the manufacturer.
Dealer lobbies are strong and self-interested.
2/19/15 4:30 a.m.
New car purchases are for chumps.
But the rest of us all need you guys to take the massive up-front hit and deal with the pond scum who sell them. So, I raise my glass in honor of those who aren't members of the Pre-Owned Only fraternity. You are the coal mine canary for the rest of us.
2/19/15 7:28 a.m.
Sorry man.
And on the sidenote, I don't even understand anti-Semites, I seriously don't even have a clue. I'd love to have a beer with you if you're ever in SC.
Sorry about the jack hatters out there weary. BMW can shove it. Maybe a Tesla will call you in the future.
From what I hear, the i8 is in such high demand and short supply that dealers are writing their own checks and asking whatever they want for them. Clarkson's glowing review wont help the situation.
Ian F
2/19/15 7:58 a.m.
In reply to pinchvalve:
Weary wasn't looking at a i8. He was trying to buy an i3. Definitely a neat car. I parked next to one a couple of months ago.
Sorry to hear about your anti-semetic confrontations. Growing up in GA I didn't know what Jewish was until we moved to PA when I was 10 and by chance happened to move into a predominately Jewish area. So most of my friends through middle and high school were Jewish.
Call BMW corporate and throw some ass in the oven. The overlords will probably not be amused at their "humor".
2/19/15 8:46 a.m.
Streetwiseguy wrote:
I was going to go into a long diatribe about how BMW dealers are universally hated, and it doesn't matter because fanbois and posers will always buy them anyway, but that might have offended all the BMW people here...
Congrats on not being a fanboi or poser.
I've only had 1 dealing with buying a BMW, but it was great. I was looking at a 30-month-old off-lease low-mileage CPO 325i optioned exactly the way I wanted it, with a manual trans. The dealer was in horrible north Jersey somewhere, west of upper Manhattan, about 2 hours away. I called him up, made a real lowball offer, to which he added $200, and sold me the car over the phone. It was in great condition, exactly as represented, and I'm still driving it almost 9 years later. The local dealer took care of a couple minor issues under the CPO warranty, promptly and happily. I've got no complaints about BMW dealers.
In reply to TRoglodyte:
Yeah, given what happened this can turn a whole world of E36 M3 over on that dealer. There isn't any space for those antics (bad jokes or terrible business practices) in today's world. BMW Corp. likely is far too aware of the backlash something like this could cause. I also agree that you can do better elsewhere without the crap (mostly the people, sometimes the cars) that rolls out of the BMW Dealerships.
Not all dealers (BMW or otherwise) are E36 M3 heels, but a large quantity are. Do I think that a no haggle policy will work? No, not a chance. But bullE36 M3 like this shouldn't be allowed either. The MOST a car should cost is the MSRP, maybe with a small (like under $200) processing fee. Not sure that is necessary though. Dealers get kick backs on financing which should cover a large part of their customers.
Holy E36 M3!!!
That douche bag needs to swallow some teeth.
2/19/15 8:59 a.m.
TRoglodyte wrote:
Call BMW corporate and throw some ass in the oven. The overlords will probably not be amused at their "humor".
Yeah, after getting jerked around not once but twice, and insulted in the bargain, the local zone rep would be getting a bloody earful from me on that one. I'd even invest a couple bucks in getting a lawyer to write them a nastygram for you. These people are clearly douchebags and deserve to be called out on it.
On the subject of documentation fees, who cares what they call the cost, or how they divide it up? The only thing that matters at all is what the bottom line total is. If that's acceptable, we have a deal. If it's not, we don't.
I don't understand all the stress over buying cars. Either the price is good enough, or it's not. If they jack you around you walk. The thing to remember is that in 99/100 cases, they need your money far more than you need their car. So just be patient and don't deal with douchebags.
Ian F
2/19/15 9:01 a.m.
In reply to Duke:
Your location in Northern NJ may have something to do with your experience. I can count about 6 dealers within an hour drive of where I work.
2/19/15 9:05 a.m.
Well, I am in Delaware; this guy was about 2-1/2 hours away. I have 3 BMW dealers within about an hour, and none local. I'm just saying this guy took a cold call over the phone, dealt with me efficiently, and kept to the deal. They're not all douchebags.
In reply to wearymicrobe:
As long as you have a clean record and don't seriously berkeley the guy up it's only a misdemeanor. A fine, some community service and maybe anger management classes, no biggie.
I think a judge would be sympathetic, unless he or she is also an anti-semite.
I sometimes go beyond what is funny and unintentionally offend people but you don't even joke about that E36 M3 at all. There's nothing funny about it.
He's basically bragging about his family (assuming he's of German decent or some other nationality that was on the Nazi side) killing your family.
Wow...now I'm getting pissed!
chuckles wrote:
I'll paraphrase Mr. Hitchens: "Anti-semitism is an unfailing sign of mental pathology."
Hey, in other news... I hear Hitch finally quit drinking and smoking for good! 
Most dealers now will charge a doc fee. The last car we bought, we told them the amount we would write the check for, we didn't care what they called all the stuff that added up to that number. The salesman said they absolutely have to have a doc fee. My guess is that money goes straight into the owners slush fund or something. I know the owner of this particcular dealership owns several very, very nice Landcruisers and an MG-YB and has taken many African safaris, which is where he acquires these vehicles.
OBTW I do not begrudge him to spend his money any way he pleases.
wearymicrobe wrote:
Same MSRP and options just different color. Again the price was higher then it should. They had hidden 185$ for dealer training and 500$ for MOCO which is there advertisement fee which was never disclosed and they jacked the money factor up to 3.49% from 1.49%
Still stuck on the MSRP thing, eh Datsun1500? Nevermind the anti semites and change of interest rate etc. Keep at it buddy.
What's the MSRP got to do with anything here, when the real issue seems to be that the people at the dealer were douchenozzles who were trying to change the deal in their favour after wearymicrobe thought they had reached an agreement?
It's that sort of "screw the customer" behaviour that I find repulsive, the anti-semitic comments are just the icing on the cake.
In reply to Datsun1500:
Sorry, but it doesn't matter - I'm assuming that the OP negotiated in good faith and was more than happy to hold up his end of the bargain when the dealer tried twice to change the terms on him.
I've walked over BS like that, too.
Datsun1500 wrote:
In reply to singleslammer:
$5,000 more than agreed. Is that over MSRP?
No but basically back up to it in sneaky ways. The only reason that I was interested in the i3 was the big discounts on the cars from the factory.
5500$ off from BMW (Which I got)
6500$ off MSRP negotiated. (Which is where they hid some of the shenanigans, 2200 of this is BMW back end money)
2500$ California Clean Air rebate. (Clearly I get later)
Money Factor 1.49%
35% reduction in the KWh paid at the house through the clean air act.
Residual Value 63%
Knowing all these things I can tell you within 5$ of what the car is going to be. Plus what I am going to be able to write off. When you show me a lease long form with a payment that is ~100$ more then it should be, 1500 more in down payment then we discussed and ~800+ in hidden fees, then 995 for accessories that were not requested or even itemized and call it a the same deal that we made through email and over the phone they can stuff it.
I'd contact BMW corporate and let them know how you were treated--- including the anti-semetic comments. They should know how their dealers are treating potential customers. The corporate leaders of BMW would not be pleased--- I'd imagine they would be infuriated by what happened. This is not the image they want to project.
On the bright side, the folks at New Smryna Dodge were fantastic when I bought my van. No shenanigans, no time waste, hardly any haggling. They gave me a fair deal, and no B.S. to deal with. I was amazed at how easy and pleasant the buying experience was---as I had mentally prepared for battle! 
Joe Gearin wrote:
I'd contact BMW corporate and let them know how you were treated--- including the anti-semetic comments. They should know how their dealers are treating potential customers. The corporate leaders of BMW would not be pleased--- I'd imagine they would be infuriated by what happened. This is not the image they want to project.
On the bright side, the folks at New Smryna Dodge were fantastic when I bought my van. No shenanigans, no time waste, hardly any haggling. They gave me a fair deal, and no B.S. to deal with. I was amazed at how easy and pleasant the buying experience was---as I had mentally prepared for battle!
Not sure I really want to piss someone off who has my SS number, my addresses, my wife's number, my fathers number and a few other bits and bobs. Going to wait a few weeks then bomb there reviews on yelp with a tool that a friend and I wrote.
wearymicrobe wrote:
Joe Gearin wrote:
I'd contact BMW corporate and let them know how you were treated--- including the anti-semetic comments. They should know how their dealers are treating potential customers. The corporate leaders of BMW would not be pleased--- I'd imagine they would be infuriated by what happened. This is not the image they want to project.
On the bright side, the folks at New Smryna Dodge were fantastic when I bought my van. No shenanigans, no time waste, hardly any haggling. They gave me a fair deal, and no B.S. to deal with. I was amazed at how easy and pleasant the buying experience was---as I had mentally prepared for battle!
Not sure I really want to piss someone off who has my SS number, my addresses, my wife's number, my fathers number and a few other bits and bobs. Going to wait a few weeks then bomb there reviews on yelp with a tool that a friend and I wrote.
As someone who works in Customer service. Here is what you should do. Complain to corporate, then send them the link to this thread. They'll handle it. Trust me.