One of these, the Saab, caught my attention on CL but I didn't notice until re-reading the ad that the top is "not working". Then, a few days later, I see the same "buy here, pay here" dealership has a BMW convertible, and again the top is "not working".
Both cars are 2000-2001 models (I don't know enough about them or power tops in general to even hazard a guess as to what would fix the problem. Any thoughts? Both cars are advertised as having new or nearly new tops....and it looks it in the pix. The Saab caught my eye as it has a manual transmission (tho NO turbo, not that common a combo), low miles (106K), and it's a very dark shade of green that looks like a sinister black.
Probably won't go much further than the "talking stage" as I really need a "stuff" hauler, but just want to know what the Saab or BMW experts think the problem is.
BMWs often have alignment problems that tear up the top motors over time. I replaced the motor in mine for $850. The previous owner had replaced all the little top supports underneath a year earlier for around $1500. I had it professionally aligned by a BMW top specialist. It worked great for almost a month. I sold that car purely because I hate BMW convertible tops. I had already passed on a Saab and a Mercedes that both had tops that failed halfway open while I was trying them out on a test drive. I have a Miata now.
In reply to Otto Maddox:
I'm to pick up a Mustang convertible tomorrow, a '95. Your story makes me nervous.
I figure if this thing gives that kind of trouble I'm going to de-power the top. Supposedly the top was replaced in the last couple years. Fingers crossed.
In reply to pres589:
I would not be nearly as worried about a Mustang top. The Germans love to make anything electrical complicated and unreliable. I seem to keep buying their cars anyway.