My friend is interesting in attending a lapping day in her Boxster. However, she thinks she heard that Boxsters suffer from oil starvation when on track, and therefore need "an extra pump or something" (accumsump?).
Has anyone heard this before? I've never heard of issues around oil starvation and Boxsters, but then I haven't gone looking, either.
Shouldn't be an issue. Boxsters have a dry sump, the only other Porsche to get that is a GT3.
Boxster FAQ
Biggest issue with Boxsters and HPDE is the roll hoop and clearance with the helmet. Some organizations won't allow it without a hardtop or supplemental rollbar.
Boxsters do NOT have a dry sump. That is a marketing ploy.
Still they do not have oil starvation problems even if they are not as good as the old air cooled dry sump motors. For casual DE oilling is a non-issue.
check out the spec boxster world for what they do for oiling and race prep for really hard core track use.
i have seen a boxter or two at the NASA events here in GA/ SC and they seem to do fine. certainly no major engine casualties or anything i think one of them is even owned by an instructor and goes out a bit more then the rest of the cars in a given group
i have never seen it go out with the top down so there may be some supplemental roll protection in there though.
I wouldn't worry about it. I did many track days in my box-car (and many of my buddies in their Boxsters) and we had no problems with Oil starvation.
Maybe if she starts puling 2 G in the turns... 
You see plenty of apparently stock Boxsters running around the track at PCA DE's.
If its her first event (or even 5th) she isn't going to generate enough side-load to sling the oil away from the pickup. Probably never on street tires.