Even though you said you thought the car looks "goofy" on the 15" phone dials and those slicks, it seems pretty much awesome from over here. Need to see a picture of it just sitting still on it's own and more from the side to be sure but so far it seems like an awesome combo.
This car just does...not...compute. I can't decide if I just don't get it, or if this is the most awesome car I've seen in a long time.
Hey you were out at the UFO event this weekend, How did it go? I would have stopped by and said hi, but I didn't see you in the crowd.
That place was a ZOO...
2/2/10 11:29 p.m.
Boxster without eyes looks evil
. Nice.
Sort of a modern day Speedster.
I have a friend fabricating carbon fiber headlight covers. If you look closely we have tabs tack welded.
Too cool. I have lusted after a Boxster for several years and we will do a project Boxster very soon.
Tim: Cool! Make sure to get some phone dials for it.
Boxster is definatly one of those cars I want. Wonder how cheap they are with a blown engine?
3/4/10 8:51 p.m.
In reply to mad_machine:
Last week, there was a 99 with 87K on it, with a blown engine, at a dealer wholesale auction that I go to. It was fairly nice otherwise & sold for $4600. I don't think it would have brought much more on the open market.
I bought a good used motor for $2500. I have seen Boxsters with blown motors for as little as $3500. People who dont know the car will get quote on motor rebuild and just sell the car at way less then they are worth.
Little nicer shot of the car working.
Tom Heath
Marketing / Club Coordinator
3/23/10 1:41 p.m.
That photo makes me want to reconsider my anti-Porsche bend. Awesome shot, awesome car!
Tom, Tom, Tom...anti Porsche...that's like saying you're anti Miata or E30... 
I am anti-big ugly porsches that are not sports cars...
mad_machine wrote:
I am anti-big ugly porsches that are not sports cars...
Is 2075lbs small enough for you? Its on its way to 1900 lbs.
boxsterbuddy wrote:
mad_machine wrote:
I am anti-big ugly porsches that are not sports cars...
Is 2075lbs small enough for you? Its on its way to 1900 lbs.
I was more referring to the Cayanne and the upcoming sedan... but I like the sounds of 1900lbs
2,075 lb Boxster? You Rock!
I plan to keep my Boxster stock for a while, but you've got me dreaming.
Tim, glad to see you are thinking about a Boxster project. Other magazines seem to think I just want to thoroughly clean the car.
I commonly see presentable 2.5L cars for under $8,000. (There is one on the Daytona Craig's list right now for $6,995.) I'm patiently waiting for one to show up at The Challenge.
ran across this on cl, seems a decent price for a boxter hardtop (not the car, just the hard top) for those of you looking to enter the boxter zone... no affiliation.
if I had a boxster, I would be on my way to florida to get that hardtop right now
924guy wrote:
ran across this on cl, seems a decent price for a boxter hardtop (not the car, just the hard top) for those of you looking to enter the boxter zone... no affiliation.
Hey, who said Porsche's were expensive, that's 1/2 the price of a miata hard top.
Matt B
3/25/10 5:00 p.m.
With the headlight delete, you can see the general shape of the boxster easier. It makes the modern 914 reference is even more obvious with the nose-to-tail fender arches.
This has got to be my favorite boxster ever. Great thread.
yea, those headlights were the worst thing to happen to either the 911 or the boxster.. I am glad porsche changed them "back" to a more friendly roundish shape