Had a late night challenge brainstorm..
It would be stupid awesome to build that for the challenge... (and feasible with some budget motor choice)
but alas, I am thwarted...
Da rules said:
Special class cars must also meet the classification requirements for a recgnized autocross class (for example SCCA A modified). These cars must meet all Challenge Budget rules and safety regulations.
Oh well, I wont be able to make it to a challenge anytime soon anyway. (gonna start grad school and missing class for the challenge, while awesome, would be be not good)
Autocross lets cart guys run every once in a while.
Plus I'm thinking the staff can be bribed with a drive(s)
more video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT7Lux9Ql64 N2O 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRAzNbchUTA Hockenhiem drag 9.5 sec run 
Noone else thinks that this would be worth doing?
I foresee death on video shortly. 
What a fun way to go. 
Toyman01 wrote:
What a fun way to go.
Skydiving with a bedsheet instead of a parachute might be a cheaper option!