Drove to Knoxville and back yesterday. There was a lot of up in the road and a lot of down in the road. Also a lot of water in the air on the way back north, LOTS of rain.
It was here that it was hammered home that I really Need Different Brake Pads. Two feet on the brake pedal, pushing as hard as I dared, would slow the car from 80 to 60 in about ten seconds. That feels like about ten years, so on one experimental deceleration i actually counted. After a while the pads would heat up or stop skating on ice or something, and it is always the right side first.
I have no idea what pads they are but the last time I had brakes this scary was when i put ceramic pads on my Nissan.
Perversely, they are also absurdly grabby in the morning. If there is any snow or water on the ground it is almost impossible to not make the ABS activate even with snow tires.
Normally I go with Pagids, but they are kinda expensive for this car and i don't want to risk the money on a possible bad experience. Any other pads i should be looking for? Dust doesn't concern me and if they are noisy that is almost a bonus.
I think, but am not certain, that the form factor is the same as STi.