2/6/11 10:43 a.m.
My wife is interested in a Mazda5.
I understand that through MazdaSpeed (the old Mazda Competition Parts Program) that registered members can generate S-plan discounts by logging onto the website.
Can I be your friend?
Thanks in advance, my friend.
FWIW, I tried the S-plan too, but I got a better price quote just shopping quotes on the internet.
I have an S-Plan # I can give you but like Ojala, I also got a much better deal on my own. I don't think any of my local dealers actually honor it. 
E-mail incoming anyways though.
2/6/11 11:14 a.m.
Thanks for the help and the tips, good to have as much ammo as possible!
I can get you any 2011 Mazda $1,400 below S plan through the end of the month of March...
Plus, the 2 3 6 CX-7 and CX-9 have 0% financing for 60 months...
Plus, no payment for 90 days....
Take a additional $500 rebate off on the 3 6 CX-7 CX-9 on top of the $1,400 below S plan!
Email for details....
Ask a question, get a canoe
3/13/11 7:20 a.m.
Ask a question about a Mazda 5 and get an answer about every Mazda but the 5.
3/13/11 11:23 a.m.
S-Plan Guidelines
Not possible. Even dealer employees are only able to give S-plan discounts to immediate family.
The S-plan basically gets you any Mazda vehicle at dealer invoice pricing. You can apply any current Mazda rebates (say like $500 off for February), and then add in delivery, tax, title, etc. It really isn't that great of a deal, and it limits your ability to haggle. FWIW: I priced out a Mazda 3 - 5 door and dealer invoice price was about $1500 below MSRP. You can find the dealer invoice prices on edmunds.com and other sites.
you can't get S-plan through ford anymore, which does suck.