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triumph5 Dork
7/17/11 12:03 p.m.

All the participants of Bullrun should be made to do one day of Targa Newfoundland! "Oh, body guy, I got this fender..."

Not a reality, but would bring some more publicity to that great event. OTOH, that just might ruin it. Strike that. It would.

N Sperlo
N Sperlo HalfDork
7/24/11 11:17 a.m.
dean1484 wrote: I simply asked if an LEO could issue a ticket based on watching the TV show.

Oh.... Should have just put it that way before.

No. Simply, no.

former520 New Reader
7/24/11 12:39 p.m.
dean1484 wrote: I rest my case. http://jalopnik.com/5821614/bullrun-rally-driver-arrested-after-five+car-crash-including-ice+t Caused a 5 car accident!!!!!! Come on. Did I call this or what!!!! I hope the five other people higher some really good ambulance chasers and put this out of existence. Take the programs insurance for all it has and then go after Speed and ultimately I think FOX (they are the parent company of speed?). Maybe the other motor sports organizations that speed televises will step up and put the pressure on them in a public way to end this. I am sure NASCAR wants to be associated with this kind of thing as Speed has all but become the NASCAR channel. I love motor sports. I/we don't need this $hit.

Unless there are several R8's running the 'event', this is the same dude that buzzed me with my 3 year old in the car swerving through traffic in the OP. Hope the payout for the accident makes a dent appropriate to his income level.

dean1484 GRM+ Memberand SuperDork
7/24/11 1:05 p.m.

Probably won't. It would be better to make the show go away.

I can only imaging the "hay I am on a tv show" way of thinking that justifies driving like idiots putting others in danger or worse. This is one time where I hope some good lawyers go ambulance chasing. It is about the only way to put a stop to it.


Just don't watch the show and let the ratings remove it from the air.

Drewsifer Dork
7/25/11 9:28 a.m.

I hate the Bullrun and Gumball Rally. Nothing but rich berkeleying douches. In 07 during the Gumball a 911 wrecked into a local car and then tried to run for the border. He got arrested, let out on bail, and tried to flee the country.

I hate all those idiots and the terrible name they give to car owners.

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